"No!" She snapped. "I deserve to be alone, I am made to be alone in my own space. This is not my space."

I frowned, looking back to the disturbing objects on the ground. "Is that why everything is broken?"

"The people that come in here, they want to drag me and test me. They say I am unstable, but you cannot trust them; they are the ones who are unstable. The men who lose their temper in a heartbeat, the women who sneer at you and force you to bow to their wishes. Liars." She growled.

I hesitated from answering, unsure of how to tackle someone. "What do you want to talk about then?"

Her head lifted slightly, and I could see the healing scars and bruises that lined her face. She studied me again, her eyes glancing over my dress and how awkwardly I sat in the chair.

"You're unusual."

"I am?"

She nodded and slowly started to move to the end of the bed. I watched her long arms pull herself along until she was sitting with her feet on the ground. I took in her slim appearance; she was nothing like the picture on her case file. The Queen had mentioned her eyes were different, and even in this darkness, I could tell it was the same girl. She was just sadder, more hurt and seeing too much in the world at an age where we should all be exploring happiness. I felt empathy for her because that girl was also me.

"You ask permission to enter, and do not force me to do things. The lousy Queen and her conniving husband forced their way in here earlier, so I threw a lamp at her pretty little head." She sneered.

I couldn't help but chuckle and it caused her to flinch in surprise. "I don't blame you; I do not trust them myself."

"You don't?"

I shook my head, leaning into the chair. "Something is wrong with them, I can't explain it but even the way they look has my wolf on edge. Why did we have to bring all of you here?"

She hummed and stared at me, surprised by my open honestly. I held eye contact, and strangely I could not feel anything from her wolf. I thought most people were beginning to have their wolves.

"Your wolf..." I began, drifting off in thought.

She scrunched up her nose with a grimace. "I have been poisoned for way too long. Eventually, they took me off of it, saying that my wolf had died."

Cel stirred, coming to attention at the unusual female's words. 'Let me see something, something is deeper within her. Get closer.'

I don't think she will let me. I warned.

'Do it!' She barked.

Okay! Miss bossy. I muttered.

"May I try something? I will not touch or hurt you, you have my word if I do anything you do not like, you can throw a lamp at my head too." I spoke softly. "My wolf... she is...interested and would like to just get a little closer."

Calida eyed me warily and after a good solid minute of me waiting in anticipation, she nodded. It was so gentle I would've missed it if I hadn't been already watching her every move. Cel bristled and I allowed her forwards as we carefully stepped closer to her. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but I trusted her instincts.

We stood mere inches away from Calida, and I squatted down to not appear intimidating. Her eyes widened in the dark, my green eyes no doubt glowed with narrowed pupils as Cel studied her. Tuning into her senses, I inhaled deeply and allowed Cel to process the information. She grumbled within me and tried to demand the attention of Calida who merely shifted and couldn't hold her gaze.

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