"Also, I'm the only one that fitted the job description perfectly." He winked at Caroline.

"And what exactly was part of that description that only you fitted?" Caroline asked suspiciously.

Josh grinned widely at her.

"Well, an important part of it was, and I quote, no flirting or wooing of any sort."

At that Caroline's eyes widened.

"Seriously?! What the hell is wrong with him? Ugh." Josh laughed at her exclamation.

"It's not funny, Josh! That guy has issues, I tell you!" She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"So, blonde cheerleaders are not your type, or what?"

"Well, don't get me wrong. You're pretty. Just not my type." Josh told her.

"I'm gay." This time he only shrugged.

Days passed and Caroline was secretly grateful to Klaus for picking Josh to be her guard. He was amazing company during the dull hours.

"Oh come on! Tell me who you were talking to this morning" Josh gave Caroline perfect puppy eyes and she groaned.

"I can't! You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you!" She told him. Josh pretended to be utterly devastated at that and Caroline laughed.

It has been four days since she had seen Klaus. And Josh was the perfect companion. She really enjoyed having the young hybrid around her. But she couldn't tell him about Henrik either. The risk of him telling Klaus was way too big.

"I hope you don't have a secret lover hidden in your wardrobe. Because I'm pretty sure Klaus would have my head if that ever happened!" Josh told her trying to put a serious face on.

"Yeah, right. I got my secret lover stored right next to the magical unicorn I'm hiding in my wardrobe." Caroline told him trying to sound serious herself.

"Just checking." Josh said before finally laughing loudly. Caroline joined in, enjoying how comfortable she was in the young hybrids presence.

They were both surprised to hear a loud crashing noise come from downstairs.

"What the hell is he doing down there?" Caroline asked confused.

Josh focused on his hearing before he answered her.

"I don't think that's him." Caroline looked at him confused.

She couldn't imagine any of his hybrids would dare to destroy something inside Klaus' home.

"Sounds like a new pack to me." Josh shrugged.

Then, Caroline heard a familiar voice and her heart nearly stopped.


He was here. Caroline sneaked a look at Josh to find him distracted by a magazine. Seizing the opportunity Caroline rushed out of the room.

"Klaus!" Tyler roared. He was mad.

Klaus' hybrids had taken his friends. A pack he had found and that had helped him break the sire bond. He would never let the original have them. Not without a fight.

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