"What's messed up? Did Nik do something?" Henrik was overly curious.

Caroline had looked flushed when she entered and Henrik had every intention of finding out what had happened between her and his favourite brother.

"Yes! I mean it's not that easy. We were talking and the conversation got kinda deep and then he was so close. God, I don't know what I was thinking! No, I knew what I was thinking. But my thoughts were as treacherous as my body! And that's just wrong on so many levels!" Caroline rambled, not even taking time to breathe.

"So, what happened then? He was close?" Henrik smirked.

And Caroline cursed inwardly. No one could deny that Henrik was Klaus' brother. Not when they were wearing identical smirks.

"He kissed me." Her confession was barely audible. Henrik sat up, he was almost sure he had heard her wrong.

"We kissed. And it was totally harmless and sweet. But also so wrong! I'm not supposed to kiss the enemy! Mostly, I'm not supposed to want him to kiss me. God, I'm seriously screwed!" Caroline exclaimed dramatically.

"I take it you liked it then?" Henrik grinned at her. Caroline said upright and glared at him.

"Shut up!" She then unconsciously reached out to punch his shoulder.

Both their eyes grew wide as they realised that they were able to touch.

"That's impossible!" Caroline told him.

"It should be." Henrik agreed.

"But so is seeing me. Or talking to me. Basically everything about our conversation. But here we are."

Caroline was thinking hard now. "I wish I could talk to Bonnie." She stated sadly.

Even thinking about her friend made her want to cry. She wasn't lying when she told Klaus that no one would come for her. And it hurt.

Henrik wanted to ask her about Bonnie but decided not to. Caroline seemed sad and tired.

"You know what? You should rest now. I'll go and try to get the spirits to talk to me. Maybe they have an idea what's going on."

On the other side of Mystic Falls, the Sheriff had reached her destination.

"Damon? Stefan?" Liz called out as she set foot into the Salvatore boarding house. She had been trying to reach Caroline and Damon for a day now. Without any success.

"Sheriff." Stefan was sitting in the living room, accompanied by Elena, Bonnie and Matt. Unfortunately, Caroline was nowhere in sight.

"Have you seen Caroline? I can't reach her." Liz asked, her voice full of worry.

The gang looked down and Liz swallowed hard. Judging by their faces, she wouldn't like what they had to say.

"It was my fault. I'm so sorry." Bonnie confessed. Liz was confused.

"We were trying to kill Klaus. Bind him to a killable force. Something went wrong and now Caroline is bonded to him. He took her as soon as he found out." Stefan explained.

"Why aren't you doing something? We have to help her!" Liz exclaimed furiously. "And where the hell is Damon?"

She was greeted with another round of silence and long faces.

"We want to help her. We really do. But the spell was more complex than we thought." Elena told Liz. "And as long as she is with Klaus, she will be save. After all, if she is hurt physically, so is he." Liz nodded, trying to process what they were telling her.

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