Truth be told, she had never been a good liar. Klaus seemed to buy it, though. He marched toward her and grabbed her phone. In the blink of an eye he had crushed it between his fingers.

"Are you mad? Why did you do that?" Caroline was furious now. Klaus may be rich, or compel anything he wants, but she was neither rich, nor did she compel people to get what she wanted. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"I don't remember giving you permission to use your phone, Caroline." Klaus dead panned.

"Seriously? I don't think I need your permission for anything!" Klaus was obviously not pleased with her statement as he came closer.

"What part of 'you are mine' did you not understand, Caroline? You are not a guest in this house. I expect you to do as you are told. Right now, I want you to get ready. Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes."

They were now only inches apart. Caroline could feel Klaus's warm breath in her face. Then, he leaned in. Caroline was frozen in place, her heart beating frantically.

Klaus's lips were touching her earlobe, making Caroline shiver. "Join me for dinner and I will tell you exactly what I expect from you." Klaus said in a hollow voice before he flashed out of the room, leaving a stunned Caroline behind.

"Well, that could have gone worse." Caroline had already forgotten Henrik's presence and turned to glare at him.

"How could this have possibly gone any worse? He crushed my phone and to top it all he practically told me I that I am a slave or something!" Caroline's voice got more hysterical towards the end of her outburst.

"He did not kill you, for starters. Also, he refrained from threatening you." Henrik gave a little shrug.

"It's not like he could kill me without killing himself. So no surprise there. You know what? I'll just go down now, before he comes back and realises I'm still talking to someone." Caroline told him defeated.

"You're early, love." Klaus stated as Caroline walked into the dinning room.

"It's not like I have anything better to do. You crushed my phone, remember?" Caroline snapped.

"You should be happy that it was your phone. I could have done worse, you know?" Klaus smirked, making Caroline wish she could wipe it of his face.

"Yeah, I get it. You're the invincible, super powerful alpha hybrid." Caroline said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Can we just get this over with? You want to tell me what you expect? Sure, go ahead. I'm all ears." Caroline challenged him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Klaus chuckled in response. He gestured to the chair next to him.

"Please, sit. I'd rather have this conversation in a civilised manner." Caroline threw her had back in annoyance but complied anyway.

Once she was seated next to him, Klaus filled her glass with red wine.

"Pizza will be served any minute now, love." Caroline nodded and took a huge gulp of wine.

Alcohol always helped to sooth her nerves.

Klaus's mood swings confused Caroline to no end. One second he went off like rocket only to turn into his charming self seconds later. Right now he was eyeing her through hooded eyes, no doubt having thoughts that were far from civil or well mannered.

Caroline continued to glare at him until a man walked in, brining the wonderful smell of Italian cuisine with him. Her mouth started to water and her stomach gave a low growl. Klaus chuckled at Caroline's embarrassed face.

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