
Start from the beginning

"Yes! I can see that- "

"Kai, Morro." Wu's voice was calm. For Kai, he was calm, neutral, but for Morro, it was awful. "Training is over for today. For both of you. The rest of the day is free, you can do whatever you want."

Wu slowly rose from his seat, taking the cup of tea with him. Morro let out an annoyed sigh and threw himself on the floor when Wu was out of sight.

"I'm a huge disappointment..." He murmured, letting his hands fall on his lap and the hair in his face.

"What are you talking about?! You're not! You can't." He couldn't believe what he was hearing, especially from Morro's mouth. Kai did not consider Morro a person to give up at all. NOT AT ALL. He fight him. He had seen that special gleam in his eyes. Why would he give up now? Why? It didn't make sense.

"I am. You've seen it too, I'm a disappointment to him. I'll always be one." He didn't trust himself. Was scared. Frightened that he didn't live up to Wu's expectations, that he wasn't good enough to be his student and... son. That he's that little boy lost again with no purpose in the world.

Kai got angry. Yes, he doesn't trust him completely, but he can't stand to see him like that. He knows that Morro is good, he is good and talented. He is gorgeous even when he gets angry. And that smile or grin that made him jump out in the past, and now it was daylight and- What are you thinking about now?

He stood at his level, put a hand on his shoulder, and Morro raised his head.

"Listen here, Emo-Ghost-Boy.- "


" -Sensei Wu doesn't think you're a disappointment. He's himself... your adoptive father! He wouldn't see his own son as a disappointment. He told you you weren't one in his eyes and soul, why not Does that get into your head once?"

Morro lowered his head again. "Every time I look into his eyes.. I remember his look from long ago. How they looked at me with disappointment and hope that I would be the Green Ninja.. his light... And.. I was fixed on it."

"You're fixed dumb."

"Tell me something I didn't already know, Cherry Bom.- "

"Cherry Bom?!"

" -Please." He said sarcastically, but he still felt bad.

"Hey," Kai had begun. "Let's.. find something to do. Something funny, relaxing. You're too tense and stressed. That doesn't do for you any good."

In Kai's eyes, Morro was always like that. He didn't think he'd ever seen him relax- Oh, yes. Once time. When he slept. Then he was calm, as if he had nothing, absolutely nothing sad on his soul. Too bad that wasn't true even when he was awake.

"There is no relaxation where I come from." Morro said, his eyes fixed on Kai's.

"Don't be like Lloyd with this! Come on." It helps him get up. "We're going to change, and we're going somewhere to waste time. What do you say?"

"I say I'm going crazy with you today." On the one hand, he liked what he heard. A break wouldn't hurt.

"To know." He put his hands on the back of his neck, turning his back on the brunette, and his steps toward the entrance to the Monastery. "I'll knock on your door in 15 minutes. I hope you'll be ready then."

Morro looked at him. He could feel his stomach empty. Some of Kai's words made him wonder if he was doing it on purpose or not, if he hated it or not. He runs past the Fire Master, knowing he won't be ready in 15 minutes. Kai chuckled when he saw his reaction.

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