Rivals 22

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"Come on Eren, get changed," Mikasa said before leaving out the room with Sasha. 

I assumed they were gonna go and get changed. Jean, Connie stayed with me to help me get ready. I enjoyed Connie's company even Jean's a little. I was getting changed and couldn't stop laughing because Connie didn't know how to put his suit on.

A little while later someone helps me with my hair. They made it look better than how I do it. I smile and look at myself. I cant wait! about an hour later it was almost time. Mikasa and Sasha finally were done with their makeup. "Wow, you guys look great." All 3 of us said. 

"Thank you." Sasha and Mikasa said.

"Are you ready Eren?" Mikasa asked.

"Yep. A little nervous but Ive been dreading for this." I say honestly.

"Good. Your gonna love this surprise Levi is doing." Sasha said.


"SASHA." Mikasa said. "Well fuck, now it's not a surprise. Act surprise when you see the surprise."

"SORRY." Sasha said honestly.

"Well, its still a surprise because i don't know what the surprise is." I say chuckling.

"The surprise is Levi in a-" 

Mikasa covered Sasha's mouth. I laughed at the two "Shut up, Sasha." Mikasa says rolling her eyes.

Sasha mumbles then Mikasa moves her hand. "Im hungry what about you?" Sasha asked.

"Sasha your always hungry." Connie says with a chuckle.

"Dont worry." I said walking over to the counter. "Here eat this." I said giving it to Sasha.

"THANK YOU!" Sasha says enjoying her food. "So good!"

"Wait a minute, is that my food?" Jean said looking at Sasha's plate.

"Maybe." I say gigglig at Jean.


"Come on, it's not that big of a deal. We all know that Sasha will starve without food." I say with a point.

"True..." Jean shrugged his arms. 

Someone comes into the room letting me know it's almost time to start. My friends give me courage. I smile then I make my way to the stage area. I stand and look at everyone sitting down. I even see my farther. His hair looked good, no beard. He looked like a totally new person. He smiled at me and i smiled back. 

As i waited for the priest to stand still and my bestmans to stand behind me I looked at Hanji and Erwin. They were smiling and giving me a thumbs up on Levi's side of the best man. (Not calling Hanji a man.)

As the music started to play Mikasa there followers on the ground. Behind her was Sasha holding flowers. Sasha Smiled as she looked at me so as Mikasa. I started to see unfamiliar faces walk in and sit down. "Right my fans." I say with a smile. They were quiet but still smiled big and wide. I waved at them causing them to get really happy. 

It's not a everyday you invite fans to your wedding. They started to record. Soon after some more people came in it was finally Levi's time to shine. Someone walked in wrapping their arm around Levi's. It was someone Ive never seen before. But i didn't care about that. I blush madely when I saw Levi. He wasn't in a suit. He was in a dress. He looks adorable.

He blushed too when he saw me and couldn't help but turn away, I know he was shy especially wearing a dress in front of everyone. When Levi made on the stage standing in front of me I said "You look adorable." I say smiling.

"Shut up." He says blushing even more. 

The priest begins to speak. (Skipping this because i don't know what they say LOL)

"Eren, say your vows." The priest says. 

"Right!" I pause and look into Levi's eyes. "Levi, you make me so happy. You saved me on the day i needed you the most. I am so grateful for you. I cant think how my life would've been if you didn't come into it. Im so glad you were my rival. I cant even express on how happy i was when we first met. And the live we did was the best memory ever. Levi Ackerman, I love you so much." I say with a smile. He continues to blush and his face wasn't like how he usually would have it as. He was smiling. 

"Levi, Vows!" The priest says.

"Eren... I love you with all my heart. You made me feel comfortable around you. Everything I've did around you I've never done with anyone else. You made me feel so nice and warm and i don't think i could ask for a better husband then the one i have now. Im glad to be your wife, Eren Yeager." 

"With all of this... Eren, will you take Levi to be your husband?" 

"I do." I say with a smile.

"Levi, will you take Eren to be your husband?" 

"I do."

"With that being said. Eren Ackerman you may kiss your bride." The priest says backing up and clapping his hands. People start to clap there hands. 

I grab Levi's waist and kiss him. The kiss went on for awhile then we backed up forgetting people were around us. I picked up Levi and carried him out as people continued to cheer, the music played and it felt amazing. I laughed with Levi. The best day I have ever had.

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