Rivals 15

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It was now the 3rd to last person's turn. We waited patiently. Soon we saw the rank 1 person going up next. We stopped her. "You, what's your name?" I say turning her towards me.

"Petra. Seem's like people like me more than they like you." She giggled to herself. "Well, it's my turn, my fans are calling my name. TOODLES!" She says pushing me away from her. 

I roll my eyes and watch her act all lovey-dovey to her fans. Which by the looks of it she did have a lot of fans. I leaned against a wall thinking about our ranks. "We probably won't win," I say banging my head on the wall.

Levi finds me and stops me. "Oi stop doing that brat, and stop talking to yourself." He said putting my earphones on my head. "Were next. Don't think back okay?" 

"Mhm... Okay, I'll try not to." I pause and turn to Petra who was singing her song. The crowd was going wild which pissed me off. "Calm down Eren, we are better than Petra." 

"Eren. Stop being like that. Go back to the Eren who was excited to perform." Levi said giving me a smile.

"Your right... Speaking of performing, let's put on our clothes." I said dragging Levi into the clothing area.

"Sighs I thought you would forget about that," He says with a whining voice. 

"Nope, now come on," I say taking my clothes off. I change quickly and watch Levi change. 

"Creep." He said rolling his eyes at me. 

"Shh," I say with a smile.

Once he was done changing it was our turn. I gulped. I haven't been on stage since 2 years ago. Why you may ask? Before Levi became my rival I hadn't made any new songs but my old songs grew stronger and stronger, that's what made me make another song. So now that I'm back on tours and stages I'm nervous. Plus I will be going up with Levi and having a different rival made it worse. 

Petra walked passed us and flipped her short hair. Gosh I just wanted to pull her to the ground. 

"Good luck" Petra said walking to her seat to cool down. 

"You're up," One of the managers said.

We wait till our fans call our "ship" name. 


We smiled and I ran on the stage, I still was nervous but once I saw everyone's faces I calmed down. People hold up signs for us and I even saw some familiar faces when I first got famous, surprisingly i remember them. 

"Hey guys! It's great to be back on stage! How is everyone tonight?" I asked putting my arm up.

"GOOD!" People yelled out.

"Thats good." I pause. "Well. It's not just me who's gonna be on stage. Come on out bunny" I say with a smirk.

"BUNNY?" People from the crowd said.

Levi ran out with his bunny outfit on and his small furry ball tail. I couldn't help but pull him close to me like we were posing for a photoshoot. 

"LEVI LOOKS SO GOOD" Someone from the crowd said.

Levi and I smiled then Levi took the mic from me, "Are you guys ready?" He asked.

"YES!!!!" They said

"Before we start, can someone tell Eren that this bunny fit isn't cute" Levi said rolling his eyes.

"IT IS CUTE!" People said.

"Yall arent on my side? How painful" He said with a chuckle.

Levi and I started to get ready to preform. We couldn't help but smile at our fans who were going wild when the music started. We both had a mic connected to the earphones. I turned to look at all my friends watching us which made me happy. 

About 2 minutes later we finished the first song. Everyone though that was it and was happy about it but before we yelled out, "Don't leave yet, were doing a meet and greet." I say outloud.

People got hyped then I allowed Levi to talk "We are also preforming 2 other songs... Unreleased too." Levi said clinging onto my waist. 

Please said "AWE CUTE" and others were hyped about the 2 other songs. The 2 other songs were about us, it was about our fans but it was really catchy too. 

We signalled our backup dancers to come in and as soon as they ran in the music started. We sang our asses off and danced while we were at it. People started to yell for Levi to do a slow 360 so they can see every part of his body in the bunny costume. He followed there orders which made everyone record. We continued to dance and then one part I didn't add into the dance was when Levi was gonna jump I was gonna pick him up and put him on my shoulders.

And so I did. Levi was laughing to himself as I continued to dance with him on my shoulders. People continued to say "CUTE" and I couldn't stop dancing. I didn't want this to end just yet. Luckily we had 2 more tours to go to after today. 

Finally the music stopped. I put Levi down and gave him the mic. "So how did you guys think of that unreleased song?" Levi asked as he wiped his sweat away. 

"WE LOVED IT LEVI!!!" They said.

"Great, let's do this last on!" Levi said passing the mic to me. 

"For this one, we want to bring up 5 people for us to dance with. You can dance however you want we don't care!" I say walking close to the edge of the stage. "Raise your hand if you want to come up here and dance with us!" I say bending down to get someone. 

Someone from far away who sticked out to me the most. "Bring me that girl in the back, the girl with the white sweater and black sweatpants" I say pointing at her. 

People moved out the way and even felt excited for her. I helped her up and she stood behind me. After i found 4 more people. We danced together. I danced with Levi and some others danced with us. People that weren't on the staged danced too. Soon our friends ran on stage and started to flips and stuff which made everyone laugh too. I looked to see Petra who was irritated.

I laughed and continued to dance with my friends. I even danced with Jean and Mikasa. Sadly the song stopped. I grabbed the mic "Im sad that we are done here. It was so much fun today with you guys." 

Armin came up to me with his phone. "YOU JUST PASSED RANK 1 YOUR HIGHER THAN BEFORE" Armin said shaking me.


Everyone started to scream of happiness. I soon then turned around to Levi who had a smile on his face I walked over to him and kissed him in front of everyone. Everyoe got quiet and i can tell everyone was recording us. I couldn't help but smile while kissing Levi. I then broke the kiss and spoke into the mic. 

"Levi, we were strangers at first. Then at the photoshoot i met you. I didn't like you at first-" I get cut off.

"OUCH." Levi said in a teasing tone.

"BUT I love you to death, and I'm so glad you were my rival, now that were not rivals anymore i can tell you, I have grown feelings for you. You saved me when i was on my last breath. And thank you so much for that. And with that being said I want to make you happy. So Levi Ackerman. Will you be my boyfriend?" I said looking into Levi's eyes.

His eyes filled with tears and he then took the mic from me "I would love too, brat!" He said before jumping into my arms. I turned to the fans who were waiting for us to be done. When I carried Levi to the edge and sat down looking at everyone they got really excited. "Let's do this meet and greet!" Levi said turning to them still clingy onto me.

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