hugging him when you're tired | all members

Start from the beginning

- "you seem so off, are you okay?" he picks up on your body language immediately, even before you could go up to him
- shyly accepts your hug and softly pulls your head onto his chest, while listening to everything that you share with him
- some headpats and his fingers massaging your scalp very gently are just necessary and that's a fact
- leaves you on the couch with a kiss on your cheek then comes back with your favorite food and some tea
- "here, have this too." he brings a blanket with him and wraps you in it, then cutely asks if he could join you
- you obviously say yes, so you two get all comfy and turn on a random Netflix show with short episodes that you can easily process at that time
- he watches as you fall asleep next to him on the couch and doesn't even bother to take you to the bedroom
- brushes your hair out of your face everytime it dares to hide your beautiful features from him


- you find him in the kitchen, making some fries- the others are already in their rooms so you're not afraid to walk up to him and hug him from behind - this passionate man either gets scared and drops everything or turns around to squeeze your so...

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- you find him in the kitchen, making some fries
- the others are already in their rooms so you're not afraid to walk up to him and hug him from behind
- this passionate man either gets scared and drops everything or turns around to squeeze your soul out of you
- you end up sitting on the counter, staring at the wall blankly(poor y/n you should rest a little, don't you think?)
- you barely even notice when Intak pulls you into another hug and asks how you want to get home
- "should we ask someone to take you home?"
- "can I stay a bit more?" you ask
- he lifts you up without saying a word and takes you to the couch, pulling you onto his lap
- you end up falling asleep in his arms and you only wake up in the morning when you hear one of the boys' screams


- after a very tiring, yet amazing date with him you two are standing in front of your house- (he took you on a date after you had a very bad day at school)- he walks you home but doesn't really want the evening to end, though you are nearly falli...

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- after a very tiring, yet amazing date with him you two are standing in front of your house
- (he took you on a date after you had a very bad day at school)
- he walks you home but doesn't really want the evening to end, though you are nearly falling asleep
- you hug him tightly while putting your face on his shoulder and running your fingers through his hair
- this boy here gets so shy and flustered but he tries not to show it so much, especially knowing how exhausted you are from running around all day
- he caresses your cheeks and pecks your forehead as he makes sure you know how much the time, that he can spend with you means to him
- "rest well tonight, don't stay up late. And text me in the morning. Oh, and don't forget to eat!" he smiles at you and with one last peck on your lips he lets you go inside


- let's pretend you two are casual high school students, spending some time together at the library- before, you were planning on learning stuff for history but you're already so tired after all of your classes and on top of that, your head starts...

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- let's pretend you two are casual high school students, spending some time together at the library
- before, you were planning on learning stuff for history but you're already so tired after all of your classes and on top of that, your head starts to ache too
- you walk in small circles around Seob then plop down next to him, putting your chin on his shoulder, taking a look at the book he's reading
- you never usually do this since you don't want to distract him by getting into his personal space but this time you're too exhausted and you just want to go home
- "Should we continue this another day?" his cute little eye smile appears as soon as you get so close to him
- he immediately knows what you need just by looking into your eyes, this is one of the reasons why you value your relationship so much
- he leans in to kiss your forehead and shyly lets you get lost in his embrace for some time


please someone tell the dorm wifi to work, I'm starting to get so tired of this whole thing at this point😭
anyways, speaking of tiredness, I hope these things didn't seem so lazy but I keep being so drained around this time usually and school takes all of my energy away. so yeah, I hope it's still enjoyable and see you next time everyone

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