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A few days have passed and the club has been booming. Kuroo and Kenma brought in a few of their regulars and we even got a few more customers wanting to see them more.

Thankfully all the boys have been getting along and working well together and I couldn't be more happy.

Tonight was the night that Bokuto and Akaashi will be joining us in their trial night. They will be coming towards the end of the night since they would be coming from working at their current club.

"Okay boys, you know the drill. When they come please be welcoming and cordial" I warn the dancers in the locker room.

"I'm so excited to have more people join our team. It like one big family" Hinata beams and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

"Why are they coming so late in the night?" Daichi questions.

"They are working tonight at their current club. I'm allowing them to come in 4 hours before closing, which is soon so we'll see how it goes" I reply.

The night goes on and shortly Bokuto and Akaashi walks into the club building.

Akaashi's POV

"Bokuto it'll be fine." I comfort Bokuto who seems to be nervous even though he's been working as a dancer for years.

"What if she's a dictator? Or super mean? What if she doesn't like us? he bombards me with questions.

"I can't tell you if that'll be true or not but we will just have to see for ourselves." I tell him as we enter the loud club.

"Are you Bokuto and Akaashi" one of the security men in the front asks and we nodded.

The big and buff man leads us through the club and I admire the huge layout. The stage was nicely lit with bright colors. The rest of the room had a dark red, and lust themed aura and I could feel my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.

The mystery man leads us to an office door with the name l/n on it. He knocked two times before a gorgeous women opens it with a smile.

She was wearing a black long sleeve and a grey school girl skirt paired with long black heeled boots

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She was wearing a black long sleeve and a grey school girl skirt paired with long black heeled boots. I had to stop myself from looking at her up and down.

"Ah yes sorry I wasn't in the front to greet you two. I was dealing with other matters" she says and opens the door wider to let us in. "Thank you Ushi" she says to the man and he nods in return before heading back to his post.

We walk in and see two gentlemen sitting by a desk. "You two go, we'll do introductions later. And don't think I'm going to forget about this incident" she points a finger at the two and they scurry out the room.

We take their seats and look towards l/n. "Well thank you for coming in. I do appreciate you coming even on a day you work. I'm l/n, and you must be Bokuto" she smiles and hold out her hand towards Bokuto to which he grabs and says his greeting with a huge smile. We exchange our greetings and she discusses about the club and some rules she has in place and how the club is run and whatnot.

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