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season six episode twenty "hook, line and sinner"

"We're doctors - we're trained to care for human beings and we're pretty sure we know what to look for. Cuts, infection, genetic mutation. As doctors we have an arsenal of weapons after any. Antibiotics to kill infections. Narcotics to fight pain. Scalpels and retractors to remove tumors and cancers - to eradicate the threat. But just the physical threat, for every other kind - you are on your own."

Adeline made it home before April the previous night and to avoid anymore talking about her near kiss with Jackson, she ordered takeout and went straight to her bedroom to hide away. Throughout her whole day, she had managed to not be spotted by Jackson but she had already rehearsed when she would say when she saw him. She would give him the classic speech of how it was just in the heat of the moment and they're just good friends, no matter how much she wanted to kiss him and not be friends but something more with him.

Upon her arrival to work and leaving the locker room, Adeline's pager started to beep and looking down she was surprised to see it was a trauma coming via helicopter. Adeline had about fifteen minutes to spare but made her way to the elevator to the roof. She walked down the hallways, grabbing a pair of gloves to put on while she waited, smiling when she saw she was the first to arrive. As the minutes went by, Derek arrived first, greeting the girl with a smile and a good morning before they were joined by April, Meredith and Jackson.

Out of habit, Jackson stood by Adeline, offering a small smile. It was the first time the two had seen each other since their 'almost kiss' during their movie night. Adeline's heart raced when she saw him and she quickly looked down when her cheeks began to flush at the memory. April seemed to notice from across the two of them and figured out they hadn't spoken yet.

"Do we know what we have yet?" Derek questioned, looking at each of his residents and his wife as the elevator arrived and they walked in. The chief pressed the button for the roof and it made it's journey up to meet the helicopters.

"It was a fishing boat accident. Two patients, one with a head lac and abdominal pain. The other, they said something about a fish hook stuck somewhere." April looked towards the man she admired so much, her cheeks slightly red.

"Why would they send a chopper for a guy with a fish hook?" Derek asked with confusion, lacing his sentence.

"Maybe they were deep sea fishing. Those hooks are massive and dangerous." Adeline commented, remembering seeing so many boats come into the bay in San Francisco with hooks that were larger than she was. April seemed to ignore her roommate and continued looking at Derek.

"I'm pretty sure they said fish hook, Chief Shepherd." Adeline raised an eyebrow, sharing a quick look with Meredith who just shrugged and rolled her eyes. Adeline would have to ask about it later, to both women and see what was going on. The elevator doors opened and they were exposed to the windy Seattle air, Adeline walking out behind April and Derek. Jackson recalled the conversation he had with Meredith earlier and smirked.

"If I'm wrong, you can spank me. Chief Shepherd, I do hope I'm wrong." He teased in a sing-song way, Meredith smiling slightly.

"Shut up. At least I'm not desperately in love with a girl and won't tell her." It was Jackson's turn to glare at her as the two ran out, catching up to the three others as well as Alex, Lexie and Miranda on the helipad with one of the patients.

Adeline caught up right as Miranda was wheeling the son back to the elevator. Due to the wind, hair was flying all over the place so Adeline was thankful she had her hair up in some braids out of her face. She jumped onto the left side of the next gurney, listening as someone was listing off the details of the patient.

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