All that matters $^

Start from the beginning

Liam's jaw dropped. James, one of his good friends was calling him names. Everyone was laughing at him. Liam's heart started to break. This was a party to make fun of him.

A group of his old friends had come up to him, "How are you gay band-mates Liam? You being a slut with them?" Laughter filled Liam's ears. All Liam could only think about how this was reminding him of how he was made fun of when he was younger. He thought that all of that was behind him. He thought that it was all over. How did he go wrong to think it was all behind him?

Liam did not know what to do. His band-mates were not gay at all. Locked into his thoughts, Liam did not notice that someone had dropped a glass of wine from the balcony above, until it hit him on the head.

Liam let out a cry as more laughter filled the air as Liam notice mostly everyone was watching him. Liam moved his hand to his eyebrow as he put it stinging only to feel a sticky substance, pulling back his finger to see them coated in red. Blood.

Liam did the only thing he could think about doing. Run. Liam was out the door as fast as he could with laughter echoing once more in his ears. Once he was far enough away from the party, Liam grabbed his phone and called the first person that came to his mind.

"Hello? Liam why are you calling me?" Louis asked.

"Lou! Louis! Come get me please." Liam sobbed into the phone.

"Whoa. Li, calm down. Where are you?" Louis was furious but kept calm.

"I went to the party. I am so sorry, Louis. I am sorry! Please come get me!"

"Okay. We are on our way. Text me the address now." Louis hung up as he yelled for the others to come on.

Liam was trying his best to type the address to Louis as he was shaking. It was his entire fault. Where the Lads going to hate him like everyone else? Why was he so stupid to believe that everything was in the past?

Liam had been sitting there for several minutes until a familiar range rover came to a stop right next to him.

"Liam!" Louis yelled running out of the stop car and wrapped his arms around the younger lad.

"What happened?" Louis noticed that the others had come to see what was wrong.

"It was all my fault. I thought everything had change. It was just a party to make fun of you and most of all me. How could I have been so stupid to believe everything has changed?" Liam mumbled into Louis's shoulder.

Somehow all of the Lads had heard him. Their hearts breaking, and they all were furious. It was their job to protect Liam. He was the youngest out of them. He was only sixteen.

"Oh, love. It was not your fault at all. You had no idea. You are not stupid, Li. You care what they think. All the matters to us, is that you know we love you, Liam." Zayn said as he bended down to be face to face with Liam. "But we are going to talk about how you were behind our backs and lied to us."

Liam finch back into Louis's arms, "Sorry, Li, But we are going to have to talk about it." Louis smiled sadly at Liam. He wanted to be pissed at Liam, but just seeing how Liam was destroyed him. He never wanted to see him like that again. The Lads helped Liam get into the car, and were on their way back home.

As the Lads were settled back into the house, they all sat around Liam.

"Liam." Zayn said quite sternly cause the lad to look up at him slowly, knowing what he was going to say. "Why did you go behind our backs and go to the party?"

The question Liam did not want to be asked was, well asked. Liam looked down knowing all four of them were looking at him with disappointment in their eyes.

"I am sorry. I just wanted to go. I am sorry." Liam started to sob.

"You better be sorry. We did not know where you were. Something worst could have happened to you!" Zayn snapped at Liam. Liam jumped back just a bit from Zayn.

"Zayn." Louis warned. "Please do not."

"I know. I know. I am sorry. Please Please forgive me!" Liam cried into Harry's arms.

"We forgive you, Li. We were just worried about you. We will always be worried about you. We were just protecting you from them. Please do not lie to us again. It does not matter what they said about you. They are not truth friends." Harry said as he brushed Liam's hair away from his eyes.

"Yea. They are just dicks. They are." Louis was interrupted by Zayn's hand over his mouth. "Okay, Louis. We get it."

"What Louis was going to say is that. They are not your real friends. What they said is not true. We love you Liam. The fans love you. They are proud of you, and who you have become. I am proud of you, we all are proud of you. You family is proud of you. Do not let those people at the party bring you down. They do not matter. We love you and want the best for you." Harry said.

"Thank you. I am sorry." Liam whispered.

"It's fine. Let's just watch a movie and forget about it." Niall suggested as they all agree and curled up onto the couch.

Liam knew from then that they were all that matter to him. They cared and love him. That was all that really mattered.

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