Interlude: Fragments

Start from the beginning



Yet it didn't seem malicious...

And that worried him, and no matter how much he chased it it chased him.

Gift by LilNevaland

"So you're Lil' me's friend." Error spoke as he looked down at the child in golden robes. "I see you're doing better." Error couldn't help but smile at the visitor.

"Oh right, here. I made an extra in in case you came back." And Error handed Traveller a doll version of the eternal child.

"This is so cute... Thank you!" Traveller cheered and Error grinned. Quite happy to make his friend happy.

Crossing paths by LilNevaland

"Oh, Hello?" Traveller blinked when he saw a version of Error walking around the VOID. Long wavy magic hair tied behind the Error's back. "Hi." Traveller hummed while the Error tilted their head. "Haven't seen you before." Traveller spoke to the Error, who looked neither male or female.

Perhaps somewhere in between? Or maybe a Non-Binary Error?

"I'm new to this travelling through the VOID thing..." The Error sheepishly spoke. "I'm Exitium."


Exitium smiled softly at hearing the name. "May we meet again?" Exitium spoke, noticing their stop was here. "May we meet again." Traveller chirped happily and the two bid their farewells.

Bitty Birthday By KattraKnit

Arco-Iris eyed the slice of triple chocolate birthday cake with fudge frosting taller than he was and grins before looking around the party. Ignoring the pile of gifts of to the side this was almost as go as Bitty Day when they celebrated all the Bitties in the AU. He wasn't quite sure why he needed a birthday when the others didn't have one. Moonlight wrapped a tentacle around him and pulls him over to a group to be passed around and hugged. When Arco-Iris finally escaped to Bane's shoulder he flops down with a confused sigh.

"Something bothering you little rainbow?" Bane sipped his coffee standing back to watch enjoying the happy atmosphere is kids and Bitties party.

"Just don't understand all the fuss the other Bitties don't get birthday parties." Arco-Iris sets up looking around to find Fresh 404 carrying a cocooned sugar high Inky.

"Two points they don't know when they were born. We know when you were. Also Bitties either are made by humans or are spawned directly from the magic depending on the AU. You are they only know child Bitty. A miracle to every Bitty who has ever ached just to hug a child of their own kind. This is their chance to celebrate your existence." Bane smiles slightly. "If it helps Dream told me he used to be really uncomfortable when his AU celebrated his birthday too."

A Tiny Hope

It wasn't a spur of a moment.

It also wasn't easy.

His soul was heavy, he wanted to stay but the magic of this world was too damaging to stay.

Fresh 404, it was finding family again.. a big brother he'd never known they'd needed. They'd had so little time, he'd barely known himself.

He peered at the edge of that multiverse, he wanted to go inside and hug Fresh 404... to stay and be that little brother.

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