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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes. This story is coming to an end...I definitely appreciate all the reads and the love to this book, but
Let me know what you think at the end, I really hope you all enjoy

"Okay does everyone understand what's going on?" Dorinda asked as she looked around the room. She was ready to handle Greg and she knew she needed help from her siblings. She called Jacky over to Karen's house and Dre also called his boys over so they could help him with his Dad and Sayvion.

"So you're gonna be with Greg alone?" Karen asked concerned. She didn't like the sound of that at all knowing what Greg was capable of.

"No I called Jay he said he will meet me over there when I call him." Dorinda already called and talked to Jay about the whole situation she needed to make sure he was okay with what may go down.

"Okay and another question are you going to deal with Sayvion?" Karen asked.

"I wouldn't say deal with him but imma trap him so Andre and his boys can get him." Dorinda said with a smirk. She knew exactly how she was going to get Sayvion and it was going to be so easy. She already had called him before the meeting too, to set up a "date" with him.

"Can you repeat the plan again" karen said making Jacky laugh loudly.

"Lord Jesus, Drew, Karen, & Jacky you're gonna be on the look out while I go to the restaurant with Sayvion. Y'all are gonna stay in the car and make sure nobody comes with Sayvion or is watching us while we're there one of y'all will call me saying I have and emergency so I can get my little ass out of there. After me and Sayvion go our separate ways Dre and his boys will follow him and handle him then y'all will take me to Greg's house and stay on look out there while me and Jay handle him."

"Oh okay okay I got it now." Karen said making Dorinda shake her head.

Dorinda checked her Apple Watch and saw it was almost time for the date. "Alright y'all need to drop me off early so everybody can set up let me go change real quick." Dorinda said and went into the Guest room to take a quick shower and gets dressed.


When she finished getting ready she walked out the room and into the kitchen where everyone was.

"Damnnnnn Doe!" Jacky said making everybody laugh.

"You gone have his ass drooling like crazy with that dress Doe." Karen said.

She had on a spaghetti strap bodycon dress that fist all her curves perfectly. She had on her red bottoms and her hair was in a high ponytail.

Dorinda just shook her head then looked over at Andre who was scanning her up and down like he wanted to grab her and take her to the back room and have his way with her. She was gonna give him what he wanted once they had everything handled.

"Alright we gotta go." Everyone grabbed what they needed and headed out the door. Before Dorinda could get in the car Andre grabbed her and kissed her. They were kissing a good minute until Jacky rolled her window down.

"Y'all have all the time in the world to do this right now we got shit to do so y'all need to bring y'all asses." We pulled away and Andre laughed while Dorinda shook her head in embarrassment.

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