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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

It was Sunday morning and everyone went to church. Service was amazing, Bishop had preached up a storm. After service everyone was doing their own thing. Andre had to go help Karen with some boxes and Dorinda was in her office just looking over some papers.

She felt the presence of someone come in the room. "Yes? Can I help you?" Dorinda said as she kept looking at the papers.

"You always working." Said the person. It was a voice too familiar. It couldn't be him she thought. There was no way it was who she thought it was.

Dorinda looked up and there he was. "Greg." She said quietly.

"In the flesh." He said a chuckled. "You lookin like you just saw a ghost girl."

"I- I thought you were in the hospital."

"I guess it's a miracle I recovered fast enough to be let out. Bishop preached a great sermon today." He spoke.

"What do you want Gregory? We're done, I don't want anything to do with you." Dorinda said. She was nervous. Being alone in a room with him made her super uncomfortable.

Greg stepped closer to her desk causing her to stand up. "You told our son to come beat me up?"

"No I didn't tell him to do anything. I was actually trying to keep him calm but he's has anger problems so it's hard to do that."

"Mhm I see." Greg got closer causing Dorinda to back into the wall. "I saw you came with some little boy. Who he supposed to be your little boyfriend now?" Great said getting her face. Dorinda turned her head.

"Greg move and get out." Dorinda quietly said.

"That's no way to talk to me baby." He said grabbing her and pinning her against the wall. "I miss you baby. Come back home to me. I'll do better." He said as she started to kiss her neck.

"Greg let me go! Get off me!" Dorinda protested as she tried to push him back. He had too strong of a hold on her. She kept fighting as she started to cry.

"Stop baby you know you missed me too." He continued to kiss her neck.

"Greg move!"

"Yo I advise you to back up off her!" Andre spoke loudly startling both of them. Dorinda looked at him in relief. Andre looked at her and could see the fear in her eyes and it broke his heart. Greg let Dorinda go.

"So you the little boy she messin with. Boy get on somewhere this is my woman so you need to back off son."

"First I'm not your son Nigga. Two she stopped being your woman once you started putting your hands on her. So I really do think you should expect her wishes and leave like she told you." Andre said as he started to unbutton his suit jacket. Dorinda stayed quiet near the wall. She didn't know what to do in this moment.

"Dorinda tell your pet to get out my face!" Greg spat.

Andre just chuckled. "You think you scare me huh. You not big a bad bruh. You a punk ass nigga who put his hands on women. You know what they would do to punks like you in jail. They'll turn your little ass out."

"I can put in jail for messing with my wife!" Greg yelled. Andre just shook his head. "Just leave you wasting your time."

Greg pushed Andre causing him to startle back. "You shouldn't have done that nigga." Andre took his suit jacket off and put it over the chair.

"What you gone do little boy!?" Greg said pushing him again. "You ain't nothing! You ain't nobody! You just some little ass boy!"

Andre felt something trigger him and next thing you know he had Greg on the ground.

"ANDRE STOP!" Dorinda cried as she went to them and tried to pull him off Greg. Andre pushed her back making her fall to the floor. He didn't mean to but he wasn't paying attention.

"Andre please! KAREN BISHOP!" Dorinda yelled. She didn't know what to do.

Karen and Bishop came running to her office. They saw what was going on and Bishop grabbed Andre trying to pull him off Greg. Karen rushed over to Dorinda and hugged her as she cried.

"Come on man it's not worth it." Bishop said as he finally pulled him off. Andre was breathing heavy he just looked at Greg. He felt red all over. He hasn't been this pissed off in years. Something in him just triggered him to react like that.

"Get get the hell out and don't bring yo ass back around here!" Drew said.

Greg got up and wiped his mouth. "I'll see you again Dorinda." Greg said then left.

Dorinda kept crying in Karen's arms while Bishop tried his best to calm Andre down.

"It's okay D he's gone." Karen softly spoke. Karen was like their mother. Definitely the soft side of their mother. Their mother knew how to calm them down and make them feel better just with her words. Karen kept speaking softly to her sister telling her everything is okay and will be okay and God's gonna handle him and everything else.

Andre finally calmed down and he looked at them. Seeing her cry really broke him. He went over to them and he squatted down to her. He nodded at Karen and she got up, her and Bishop left out the office leaving Andre and Dorinda alone. He wiped her face then gently lifted her chin making her look at him. "I'm sorry baby. I don't know what happened something just triggered and all I saw was red. I just wanted him to hurt."

"You pushed me." Dorinda spoke quietly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to I was so angry I wasn't paying attention. Please forgive me baby." He said looking at her.

Dorinda looked in his eyes and say how sorry he was. She knew he didn't mean to push her but it still hurt her feelings.

"Can we go." She spoke quietly and looked away. "Yeah we can." Andre stood up and helped her up. He grabbed his coat and Dorinda grabbed her things. They walked out and left the church. Andre had to figure out what he was gonna do to make her feel better. He genuinely felt bad he didn't mean to do it. He knew he would have to tell her the real reason why he reacted the way he did but he wasn't ready to tell that story.

Thank you all for reading. Definitely let me know what you thought and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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