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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

Dorinda walked in the house and put her keys down. She was still feeling bad about how she went off on Andre. She put her purse up and was walking to the kitchen when she saw the lamp on in the living room was on when it normally was off. She walked in and saw Greg was sitting there.

"Greg what you doing up? It's late."

"Where you been Woman?"

"I was at the church doing some work. I got caught up in the work I wasn't paying attention to the time."

Greg stood up and walked up to her. The smell of alcohol filled her nose. She stepped back some.

"You think I'm stupid or something?"

"What? What you talking about Gregory?"

"You been out with some nigga haven't you? Talking about you was at church. Don't fucking lie to me!" Greg yelled.

"First of all don't yell at me, two you're drunk so you don't know what you talking about." Dorinda spat as she started to walk away but he grabbed her and pushed into the wall hard causing her to her her head. He grabbed her by her neck and started choking her.

"You must be out your mind talking to me like that. I should slap the fuck out of you for talking to me like you crazy." Dorinda grabbed at his arm.

"Le- Let me-" she tried to say but he cut her off.

"Shut up! I ain't letting you go. You wanna talk to me out the side yo neck you gone suffer the consequences."

Dorinda tried to move but she couldn't she was stuck. It was nothing she could do. She closed her eyes and started to pray in her head hoping he would let her go soon and that he wasn't gonna  kill.

He let her go and slapped her causing her to fall to the floor. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again!" Greg yelled. "Now get your ass up and go to bed."

Dorinda slowly got up and decided to make a run for the front door but he grabbed her and hit her again. She looked at him with tears falling down her face. He grabbed her by her neck again.

"You must have lost yo mind Girl." He said as he choked her.

"I- I'm sorry Gre- Greg Please" she struggled to get out. She felt like the room was spinning her head was pounding and she could hardly breathe. He let her go and she started to cough. Greg walked away and went into the living room he sat down and watched tv.

Dorinda kept coughing she went in the kitchen and called Jacky. The phone rung as she quietly cried.

Jacky finally answered the phone. "Doe? It's late what is it?" Jacky said half sleep.

"Jacky come get me please." Dorinda whispered as she kept crying.

"Okay I'm coming. What's going on Doe."

"I can't tell you right now." Dorinda said and hung up. She was getting away from here. She was tired of dealing with this. She tried to stay but he put his hands on her and she wasn't going to settle for it. Her phone started to ring and saw it was Andre calling she was debating on answering. She peeked out the kitchen and saw Greg was sleep.

She answered it. "Yes Dre?" She whispered.

"You okay?" He could hear how hoarse her voice was and it wasn't like that before she left.

"I'm okay. Do you need something?"

"No I wanted to check on you and make sure you made it home. You sure you okay I can come get you Baby." He said.

"No Im fine I'll talk to you later okay." She said and hung up. She got a text from Jacky saying she was outside. Dorinda didn't try to go pack clothes. She could come back and get all her things while he was gone. She snuck out the back door and went to her sisters car she got in and looked out the window.

Jacky didn't say anything she just started driving. Jacky knew for sure something was up and she was going to figure it out when they got to her house. Jacky already called Karen and told her to meet her at her house. They needed to figure out what was going on.

Dorinda stayed quiet the whole ride to Jacky's house. When they got there they both got out and went inside. They were finally in some light and Jacky could look at her sister. Dorinda's lip was bleeding and her neck was bruised up. Jacky could feel her body get hot "Go sit in the kitchen." Jacky said sternly.

Dorinda already knew what was about to happen so she went in the kitchen and sat down. Jacky went and grabbed her first aid kit and went in the kitchen. Good thing she was a nurse because they did not need to be going to the hospital and the whole world found out.

She started cleaning Dorinda's face. "Doe please tell me what happened."

"You called Karen didn't you?"

"Yeah." Jacky said.

"Well I'll just wait then." Dorinda got quiet. Jacky's heart broke for her. Hearing the way her sister sounded she knew she was heartbroken. Jacky knew how she felt cause she felt with this with their father.

Karen and Twinkie walked in. "Jacky." Karen called out.

"I'm the kitchen Karen." Karen and Twinkie walked in the kitchen they looked at Dorinda and instantly went to her.

"Dorinda what happened to you? Who did this Doe?" Karen spoke quickly.

Dorinda told them everything. By the end of Doe talking everyone was crying.

"I'm so sorry this has been happening to you Doe. You should have told us sooner. We wouldn't have judged you were gonna help you." Twinkie said as she rubbed her sisters hand.

Dorinda was contemplating on telling her sisters about Andre but she was gonna have to tell them soon anyway.

"I have to tell y'all something else." Dorinda quietly spoke.

"Go ahead you can tell us D." Karen spoke. The room grew silent then Dorinda finally spoke.

"I met this guy at the store after I left you two at the restaurant. He was really nice and a gentleman he asked to take me out and I went. I was vulnerable and I just wanted someone to fill this void and he was that someone. He really cares for me y'all I can trust him."

"We believe you Doe." Jacky said. "What's his name?"

"His name is Andre and he's so fine y'all. One day I'll bring him around." Dorinda said smiling a little. The smile didn't go past her sisters they noticed that whoever this boy was really liked their sister and she really liked him back.

Dorinda's phone started to ring. She took it out her pocket and Greg's name was across the screen. She just stared at the phone until Jacky took it and answered it.

"Listen Nigga you messed with the wrong family and something will definitely happen to yo ass so you better count your days on this earth. Cause if nobody else does anything I sure fucking will." Jacky hung up the phone.

Dorinda go get some rest. Karen and Twinkie y'all can stay here too.

Everybody got up and went to their separate rooms and went to bed for the night. Dorinda Knew this was about to be the craziest days she's every had.

Thank you all for reading. Definitely let me know what you thought and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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