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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

Dorinda walked in the house and she was so tired from the time she was with Dre and then going out with her sisters. She was just ready to lay down with him and get some sleep.

"Babe you should have told me to stay my ass here!" She yelled and put her stuff up. She kicked her heels off and walked into the living room where she thought she was gonna see him but he wasn't there. His game controller was on the floor and so was he headset, even his phone was on the couch.

"Dre?" She said with a little concern, She went upstairs and checked the bedroom and when she didn't see him anywhere she went back downstairs and started to panic. She went into the kitchen and saw that the back door was wide open so she knew something had happened. She closed the door and locked it.

She got her phone and called her sisters.

"D you get home safe?" Karen asked.

"Yeah Um can y'all come to Dre's I think something happened to him."

"What you mean you think something happened to him?"

"I mean he's missing all his stuff is here and there's no sign of him." Dorinda said as she panicked. She started to look around to see if she could find anything to show somebody was here but she couldn't find anything.

"Maybe he just had to run out and get something he'll be back D." Karen said calmly. Karen didn't want to go into a panic and make it worse for her sister.

"Maybe you're-" before she could finish her sentence Aj, Devante, and Jayceon walked in the house.

"DRE!" Aj yelled.

"Doe who was that?" Karen asked.

"It's Dre's Bestfriends. I'll call you back." She said and hung up.

"Dorinda where's Dre?" Jayceon asked when he saw her walk out the kitchen.

"I don't know when I got here he was gone. What are y'all doing here?"

"When Dre was on the game with us we heard some guys talking and when we tried to ask Dre what happened he never responded so we came here to see if he was alright." Devante said.

"When I looked around the back door was open. Somebody had to had taken him. But I don't know who would do that." Dorinda said. She was trying her best not to panic and cry but it was hard to do that when she didn't know where he was or who had taken him.

She felt the hot tears run down her face and Jayceon pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "It's okay we'll wait it out for while and see if he shows up. If not then we'll go looking for him." He said trying to help her feel somewhat better and Dorinda just nodded her head.

After an 1 hour of waiting Dorinda was getting fed up, she prayed and she waited and she was tired she just wanted him back. She was about to get up and go find him herself, but as soon as she got up he walked through the door and she instantly ran to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Dre what happened? We heard some people in the house when you were on the game." Devante said.

"Doe baby I have to tell you something." He said ignoring Devante and looking at her. She looked up at him and he felt his heart break before he could even say the words to her. He didn't want to do this but he had to it was the only way to keep her safe.

He kissed her then moved the hair out her face. "Dorinda we can't be together anymore." Once those words left his mouth he could tell it broke her heart. She instantly let him go and stepped back.

"It's only for your safety. I can't keep letting these types of things happen to us, to you. I feel like shut keeps happening because of me and I want you safe, this is the only way I can keep you safe. I'm so sorry" He said.

Dorinda just looked at him as the tears fell from her face as she cried. "What do you mean for my safety? I'm safe with you Andre."

"Doe no you're not. If we don't break up things will happen to you and I don't need that." Dorinda just kept looking at him. Then she started to push him and hit him because it was the only thing she could do to let out how she felt. She was heart broken and mad.

"Man what type of shit you on!" Aj said.

"Stay out of it." Andre said grabbing Dorinda's hands so she would stop hitting him, she snatched her hands from him. "Don't touch me." Is all she said and she grabbed her things and left.

Andre rubbed his face and huffed. He was so frustrated he did that and now he had to fix it.

"Bruh what the hell was that?! Why you do that to her!?" Aj fussed. Andre looked out the window to make sure the truck was gone and it was was.

"Look I can explain. Those people that was in my house was working with her ex husband and I had to break up with her because he told me to and he said if I didn't break up with her he was gone get this nigga that's supposedly my brother to do stuff to her and y'all know I can't have that happen to her. It's best I did that but it won't last long cause imma handle them niggas. I'll explain to her tomorrow but I need y'all to help me now."

Thank you all for reading. Definitely let me know what you thought and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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