•13 Continued•

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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy


"Baby wake up please!" I cried. "You can't leave me I need you." I didn't know what to do. The man who shot him had disappeared and I was left alone. There was blood everywhere and all over my dress. I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1. I couldn't lose him he was the only one I had. I didn't even get a chance to tell him I loved him.

The operators said that they were already on their way so I got off the phone and called my sisters on three way.

"Hey Doe."

"Hey D." I heard and I continued to cry.

"Doe what's wrong? Why you crying?" Jacky asked concerned. I wasn't the one to cry a lot unless I was super happy about something or really hurt. If I was crying everyone knew something was wrong because I'm usually smiling and laughing at every little thing.

"Dre- Dre's been shot." I choked out.

"Oh my God. D what happened?" Karen asked.

"No time for that right now. Where was he shot?" Jacky asked. "Twice in the stomach. Jacky he's bleeding a lot what if he don't make it."

"Don't think that Doe. He's going to be alright now, I need you to start putting pressure on the wounds. Either use your hands or grab a coat or a blanket or just something to stop the bleeding." Jacky spoke. I put the phone on speaker and went in the living room to grab a blanket and I went back to him and put pressure on the wounds.

"Y'all I can't lose him. He's been the best thing to me."

"Doe he is going to be okay. You know momma taught us to pray about things like that and that's what we have to do. Go to God and pray." Karen spoke.

"Okay." I said still putting pressure on the wounds.

The paramedics arrived and they came in. They got Andre in the ambulance and I got in with him. "Can y'all meet me at the hospital?"

"Okay we'll be there." Jacky said and they all hung up the phone. I grabbed Dre's hand and watched the paramedics do everything to help. The sound of the monitor tracking his heartbeat is what was giving me hope. I closed my eyes and started praying over him.

We arrived at the hospital and they got him out and rushed him in. I followed behind but I was stopped by a nurse. "Move I need to be with him!" I fussed.

"Ma'am I'm sorry you can't go in the operating room. " she said holding me back as I tried to push past her.

"I need to be with him! He can't be alone! He needs me!" I cried as I pushed her then I felt some hands grab me. "D it's okay he's gonna be okay." Karen said as she wrapped her arm around me and walked me to the waiting room. I sat down and completely broke down.

"Doe tell us what happened." Jacky said. Karen grabbed a tissue a wiped my face.

"I- I had got back to the house early from my meeting and I saw him fighting with some man. I don't know who the man was or why the man was there but I told Dre to stop and he was surprised to see me because I didn't tell him I was coming to the house because I was trying to surprise him. Then when he saw me he came to me and I backed away because I was scared. This was my second time seeing him like that and I didn't like it and I told him. Then when I told him he was about to say something to me but the man behind him pulled out his gun and shot him twice right in front of me." I said as I started to cry again.

"I'm so sorry D." Karen said as she rubbed my back. "Who would want to do something to him he's such a sweet boy."

"Karen you stay here with Doe okay. I'm gonna go get her some other clothes. Doe go wash your hands and clean up." Jacky said as she got up and left.

I got up and did what Jacky said. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror at my dress and seeing all of his blood on me just made me so upset.

"Why God? Why?" I asked. This didn't make any sense. Who was that man and why was Andre fighting him. Maybe if I didn't say anything he wouldn't be here. I started to cry as I tried my best to clean the blood off my dress but it wasn't working. I needed to know who did this to him and I needed to know now.

Jacky walked in the bathroom and gave me the clothes I changed my clothes and threw my dress away. I'll just have to buy a new one. I walked out and as I was walking back to the waiting area the doctor came out. I walked up to him.

"Is he okay? When can I see him?" I asked.

"I have good new and bad news." When those words left the doctors mouth I felt my heart sink.

"He's perfectly fine and doing well but he did lose a lot of blood so he's unconscious. He should be back soon but it's different for everyone sometimes it could take days." The doctor said. I was happy he was gonna be okay but still a little sad that I would be able to hear his voice for a while.

"Can I go see him?" I asked again.

"Yes, follow me." The doctor said. Jacky and Karen told me they were gonna go get me some food since I would be here for a while. When they left I followed the doctor to Andre's room. When I walked in and saw him just laying there with a tube in his mouth to keep him breathing I felt the tears start to run down my face again. The doctor left out and I went straight to him and laid beside him making sure I didn't bump into anything. I kissed his cheek and rubbed his beard.

"Dre, baby I need you to wake up. Whoever that was that did this to you I'm gonna handle it I promise." I laid my head on his chest. "I hate this happened to you, you didn't deserve this at all. I'm so sorry I wish I didn't say anything maybe this wouldn't have happened. I should have called and let you know I was coming back early." I intertwined my fingers with his.

"Andre I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. You're the best thing that's happened to me. I haven't been this happy in so long. You make me feel like myself and I love that about you. I need you to wake up so I can tell you to your face that I love you."

I felt his hand grip mine and I looked at it then looked up at him and his eyes were open.

Thank you all for reading. Definitely let me know what you thought and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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