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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

Dorinda woke up to the smell of bacon. One thing she loved about being at her Big sister's house was she was gonna fed no matter what. Dorinda got up and went into the bathroom and did her morning routine. Dorinda looked at herself in the mirror. She felt so ugly. She was sore, her throat was hurting, her head was hurting, her lip was busted. Dorinda sighed and walked out the bathroom she went downstairs and into the kitchen.

She walked in and saw her sisters and her brother in-law Glynn sitting at the table. They all exchanged Good Mornings. Dorinda went and made her plate she sat down and started to eat.

"I'll see y'all later on. I gotta get to the church and handle something's for Bishop." Karen said getting up and kissing her sisters. Twinkie got up as well and gave them kisses as well. Karen was her ride home so she had to go.

Glynn soon got up and kissed Jacky then he left. All that was left was Jacky and Dorinda.

"Doe are you gonna tell Andre?" Jacky asked.

"I'm scared to. He might think I'm ugly now because of how I look. He probably doesn't want me anymore."

"Don't think that Doe you are still beautiful no matter what. You have to talk to him soon. He's gonna be worried about you. Will you be telling Jay?"

"I have no choice but to. I don't know how I'm gonna tell him because he'll probably try and kill his father. You know he has a bad temper Jacky." Jay was super protective of his mother. He didn't care who you were if you hurt her he was gonna hurt you even worse.

"I know Doe but you have to tell him he deserves to know." Jacky said getting up and cleaning up the plates then she started to clean the kitchen.

Dorinda just sat there as she thought about how she was gonna tell Andre and Jay. She knew Andre would be upset because she didn't tell him what was going on last night and Jay was definitely going to be pissed.

Dorinda got up and grabbed her plate she put it in the sink and washed the dishes when she finished she went upstairs and looked in one of the drawers. The sisters always kept clothes at each other's houses just in case anything happened. Dorinda grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom to take a shower. She decided she was gonna go talk to Andre first then Jay. Andre would be easier to handle then Jay.

She finished in the shower and got dressed she walked out and went downstairs. "Jacky I'm taking your other car."

"Alright be safe." Jacky said and Dorinda left. She drove to Andre's house. Her phone started to ring and she saw it was Greg she hung it up and kept driving. He had some nerve trying to call her. After what he did to her he thinks she wants to talk to her.

She then called Jay. He answered after the second ring. "Hey Ma wassup? I'm at work."

"Oh I'm sorry baby but I need to talk to you later on it's important." Dorinda said as she pulled in the driveway of Andre's house.

"Okay is everything okay Ma? I can leave early if you need me too."

"No it's fine stay at work, I'll catch you after okay just come to your Aunt Jacky's."

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