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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

Dorinda was out and about with Karen today. Karen wanted to go shopping and Dorinda decided she needed to get some new clothes herself so she went with her. Andre's friends had came by so he was pretty occupied at the time.

"So how's Dre doing?" Karen asked as she walked around the store and I followed her.

"He's doing really good. I'm happy he's doing better."

"That's good D." Karen said as she started to look at a dress.

"I told Jay about Dre." Dorinda said. "It surprisingly went well he actually accepts me and Andre being together."

"That's really good cause you know Jay probably would have tried to fight him." Karen laughed.

"Yeah I know that's what I was worried about." She said looking around the store. A person caught her eye and she was a little confused. She thought she saw someone who looked like Sayvion but maybe she was trippin.

"Come on Doe. They ain't got nothing in here for me." Karen said and walked out. Dorinda followed behind her. She knew once Karen started shopping it would take a while and she knew she had Bishop's card because of the stores they were going in. She only went into the very expensive ones when she had his card on her.

"So I know you and Dre been having a little "fun" so how is it?" Karen asked.

"Girl it is amazing. When I say he be having me on cloud 9 Karen it's hard to explain but just know he be getting ya girl right." Dorinda said. "What we did last night in the kitchen put me right to sleep."

"Okay I didn't ask what y'all did last night and in the Kitchen Doe? That's nasty."

"Karen hush you and Drew been married for 30 plus years and I know you and him have done it literally everywhere. So don't try and play me. Plus Dre cleaned the kitchen this morning so it's cleaned."


"You may have a point- anyway." She started to talk about something but I zoned her out when I saw Sayvion walking towards me.

When he got in front of me I didn't know what to say or do.

"Hey Shawty I told you I would see you again." He said.

"Yeah it's nice to see you again Sayvion." I said. I felt Karen bump my arm.  "Sorry Um this is my sister Karen, Karen this is Sayvion."

"Hello Sayvion it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. Damn I should have known y'all was related. Both y'all fine as hell." He said and me and Karen smiled at him.

"That's sweet of you to say." Karen said. Usually Karen was the shy one but she definitely wasn't shy talking to him but me for some for some reason I was.

"So Dorinda can I take you out?"

"Sayvion I already told you I have a boyfriend."

"Damn I forgot about that nigga. What about you Ma can I take you out?"

Karen laughed. "I'm a married woman baby I can't go on any dates."

"Y'all niggas lucky as hell to have some fine ass girls like y'all." He said licking his lips and looking at me. I wished he would go away cause the feeling I was having was something I shouldn't have been having.

"Yeah I guess you can say they are." Karen said then she looked at me then back at him. "So Sayvion how do you know my sister?"

"I just met her yesterday at the grocery store."

"How cute that's how she met her boyfriend." Karen said and I hit her arm.

"Um Sayvion I'll see you around we have to finish our shopping." Dorinda said.

"Bet Shawty, see you around." He said then he kissed my cheek. "Bye Ma." He said to Karen then walked away.

"He was a sweet boy. I liked his tattoos." Karen said. I was too busy thinking about how he just kissed my cheek to respond or say anything at all. I wonder what his- no stop this isn't okay I have a man a very nice man, someone I love dearly.

Karen phone started to ring, she answered it with a big smile. "Hi honey." She said and I shook my head.

"Oh- I'm on my way." She said and hung up the phone. "D we got to go I got something waiting for me at home." She said and she walked towards to exit.

"Nasty." I said following her. I was actually happy we were leaving cause I was ready to be with Dre. I can't keep letting Sayvion get to me the way does. It wasn't right at all.

Thank you all for reading. Definitely let me know what you thought and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and let me know what y'all think of Sayvion.

What's Done in The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora