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Sorry in advance for any errors or mistakes.
Let me know what you think at the end and I hope you all enjoy

Dorinda woke up Sunday morning. She looked on Greg's side of the bed to see if he was gone and which he was. She checked the time then got up and went in the bathroom took a quick shower then walked out and got dressed. She knew her sister would be calling her soon it was her turn to drive them to church. Her little sister hated when she was late so she knew she had to rush.

She went to her nightstand and grabbed her phone off the charger. When she reached for her phone she saw the bruise on her wrist. She sighed and went in the bathroom and grabbed her makeup bag and started putting make up over it to cover it up.

She tried her best covering up the bruise it wasn't as noticeable as before. She grabbed some bracelets hoping that would help hide it.

She walked out and put her heels on. Her phone started to ring and she knew it was Karen.

She answered the phone as she walked down the stairs. "Karen I'm coming I'm walking out the house now." Dorinda said as she went in the kitchen and grabbed a banana and a bagel.

"Mhm you better be. I'm not gonna get in trouble with Drew because of you." Karen said.

"See that was nun of my business little Miss I'm so innocent." Dorinda said mocking her sister. Dorinda went in her office and grabbed her Bible and her note book. She stood there in a daze. The night before popping into her head again causing her to forget she was on the phone.

"DORINDA I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!" Karen yelled through the phone causing her to jump.

"Sorry Sis. Um I'm on my way." Dorinda said and quickly hung up. She swiftly walked out her office and went to the garage she put everything in her car and got in she started eating her bagel and started driving to Karen's house.

She sped to Karen's house. She was glad they didn't live too far from each other. She pulled up to Karen's house and started beeping the horn.

"Alright alright you don't have to beep it that many times." Karen said walking out her house.

Karen got in the car and Dorinda started driving to the church. Karen grabbed Dorinda's banana and started eating it.

"I didn't say you could have that."

"Well I did." Karen said laughing as she ate it. Dorinda just rolled her eyes.

"So how you been little sister you been busy going around singing and being up under Drew."

"I'm good. Everything has been great actually." Karen said. She looked over at Dorinda. She felt something was off with her. She didn't really know what it was but the way she got off the phone so fast earlier made her wonder.

They were the closest ones out of all the sisters. She knew Dorinda like the back of her hand. If something was wrong with her sister Karen always knew. She kept analyzing her sister.

Dorinda glanced at her. "What?"

"Nothing, you look amazing today. I see you got your hair done and all." Karen said as she kept looking at her sister.

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