Chapter 12: Stormy nights

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So I'm back. Anyways. I'm very saddned from that last chapter.

I woke up to someone gently rubbing my back. I opened my eyes to try and see where I was. I heard a storm raging outside. "Hey Q.." Wilbur said softly. Everything came back and I tried to move my arms. Why can't I move my arms?! I looked down to see some rope tying them down. My eyes widened in shock. I choked back a gag at the sight of my arms. Their was multiple lines of skin removed, their was brown and red dried blood covering my arms. "You need to learn to watch your mouth." Wilbur said. My eyes widened as a memory flashed across my mind.


"GOD YOUR SO WORTHLESS!" My mother yelled. I flinched backwards at her words. "M-mo.-" My father cut me off. "Stop stuttering boy." I nodded. Why can't I be like Greta. Why do they love her?! What did I do wrong? "You made Greta cry brat! You need to watch your mouth!" Mother yelled slapping me. Tears came to my eyes. I didn't even say anything. "Dont you cry boy, I'll put you in the pit!" Father yelled. My eyes went wide in fear. Not the pit! The pit was a small closet that fills up to the knees in water. A tear slid down my face, father grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the room. Tears started to fall more as I was shoved into the dark room. I felt the freezing water start to fill up. I wonder how long I will be in here this time.

~FlashBack 2~

I was pacing in the community house. "Quackity!"  A voice yelled. I turned and saw a very pissed off Schlatt walking towards me. "You need to learn to watch your mouth!" Schlatt yelled smacking me. I wonder what I did wrong this time. "I'm sorry Schlatt I'll try harder!" I said in response smiling at him. He pulled me closer to him. "Good." He whispered as his face leaned closer to mine.

~End of Flashbacks~

My breathing picked up. I had to realize I'm not their. I'm not their! They can't hurt me! They can't touch me. I didn't even realize Wilbur had pulled me against his chest trying to comfort me. "Fuck you." I spat trying to move my arms to push him away. He sighed at my actions. "Your just gonna open the cuts again." Wilbur said. "Then bandage them!" I snapped. "I'm sorry love I can't, Dream doesn't want me to." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Of course he doesn't. Hey mabey I could die from an infection! Don't bandage my arms!" I said happily. Wilbur held me tighter.

His face resting on my shoulder. He turned his head and kissed my neck gently. I wasn't expecting that. My heart thundered wanting more. No. I can't. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "Come on Quackity, don't you miss being with me?" Wilbur questioned. I took a breath in. How do I respond to that? I shouldn't respond, so I won't. Wilbur sighed realizing I wasn't gonna answer him. He stood up, and walked out of the room. If only my arms weren't tied. I heard the storm grow louder. Wilbur returned with a glass of water. "Here you must be thirsty, drink this." Wilbur said. "I mean I would but some dickwad tied me down." I said glaring at Wilbur. He sighed and set the glass of water down. He untied my wrists looking at me wearily.

I took the cup and drank a small sip. I wasn't that thirsty. Wait.. A plan formed into my head. I lowered my head pretending to be in pain. "Quackity?" Wilbur asked stepping towards me. I can't believe I'm about to do this. "Quackity Love are you alright?" Wilbur questioned squatting infront of me. I kicked Wilburs stomach and threw my cup at his head. I then got up and ran towards the door. I opened it and started running. I saw a stair case and ran up it. I need to keep moving. I have to! I pushed open the doors at the top of the stairs case. We were in the woods. Wait I know here we are! We are close to Las Nevadas.

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