Chapter 3: Help

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"Quackityy.~" Someone whispered almost in a teasing tone. My blood ran cold at the voice. I slowly turned around to only be met with...

Schlatt. What the fuck. No, this is just a nightmare. This isn't real! He can't be real! I stepped back in fear. "Hellooo DeaR! Did you miss me?" He asked floating closer. Floating? He is dead, mabey then he can't hurt me?.. Right? My breathing became quicker and heavier. "L-leave me alone!" I said backing into the wall. "Awwwe Quackity don't be like that! Don't you love me?" He asked floating untill he was right infront of me. "No! You were a dick to me! Your dead this can't be real!" I yelled.

A hand made contact with my face. H-he slapped me.. "Do I seem real now DeaR?" He questioned. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I felt dizzy, the world was spinning. "Quackity are you here? Your right, I told Phil to leave!" A voice ran out. "Wi-wilbur.. Help!" I yelled out. "See you around DeaR!" Glatt said, his hand brushing my cheek gently. I felt sick. I slid down the wall, hearing Wilburs footsteps racing closer. "Qua...y!" A voice yelled. Black dots danced across my vision. The last thing I saw was Wilbur kneeling infront of me yelling my name.

✨Revivebur P.O.V✨

Quackity stormed off after screaming at me. "Don't pay attention to him Wil." Phil said placing a hand on my shoulder. "He knows nothing, your a great brother and I'm an excellent father." He said. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder facing him. "He is right. Tommy shouldn't have to worry about death. He is still a child. He is also right when he said you choose favorites. My question is where are your two favorite sons, Techno and Ranboo!?" I yelled. Anger flashed across his face. "I DON'T CHOOSE FAVORITES!" He screamed. I flinched a little.

"Right, and you also love Tommy and I, I'm guessing. Or that you would do anything for us? Your full of shit! Get the hell out of here you aren't welcome!" I yelled. His eyes widened. "Wil-." He started raising his hand a little. I flinched backwards thinking he was gonna hit me again. He sighed and took off into the sky. I headed off to my little base. Fucking hell! How did this day turn out to be shit!? I slammed open the door, feeling angrier by the minute.

God fuck! I ended up punching the wall. Jesus Christ. I need to get Quackitys trust. I'll go tell him Phil left. When I got in the country, I saw Fundy and Foolish patrolling. Awwwe so Quackity was serious. I guess I have to be careful. Now where would he be? I'm gonna check the casino first. I easily snuck past them and into the casino. "Quackity are you here? Your right, I told Phil to leave!" I yelled out. It was silent and I thought of leaving untill I heard. "Wi-wilbur.. help!" Quackity yelled. Quackity! I started running in the direction I heard his voice. I heard someone say something and as I turned the corner I froze.

Glatt was standing above Quackity, he turned and winked at me before disappearing into thin air. I ran towards Quackity who was on the ground. "Quackity!" I yelled out. I slid onto the ground scooping him into my arms. "Quackity!" I screamed. His eyes closed and I checked his pulse. He is still breathing. He probably had a panic attack from seeing Glatt. I held him in my arms before gently laying him on the ground. I went to the entrance of the Casino and put a sign on the outside saying 'Do not enter Im busy.' I then blocked it off and went back to Quackity.

Sitting down next to him, I pulled him into my chest holding him tightly. "God what have you done to me?" I muttered to the sleeping man.

✨🐥🧨 P.O.V✨

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