Authors Note

427 10 21

Hi yeah Author here, I have a question. What the hell-

How did you all get me above 300 reads? And how are some of you so supportive?! Like whattttt!??!?!

I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this but thank you!! Also I update this book every Friday, but this next Monday yall might get a surprise chapter 👀

My birthday is Monday-
Its insane. Life goes by so fast, don't waste it on worrying. Your doing great! All of you are valid! Being LGBTQIA+ Is ✨P O G✨ Speaking as A Pansexual
   (No, I'm not attracted to pans)

I say be who ever the hell you wanna be. Fuck gender roles. You are important! If you don't feel comfortable being a girl, be a guy then, Vice versa. Be who you want, not who the world wants you to be!

If you aren't comfortable being either be Non-Binary or gender fluid! Be who YOU want.

Also wear whatever the hell you want. This is a safe and supportive place. So be who you wanna here, if you can't in person. : )

Also so I wanna do a Q/A but their are 3 roles.

Role 1: Nothing like what city I live in or address.

Role 2: Dont ask creepy questions-

Role 3: Ask in the comment section
(I won't respond in Pm's)

Anyways have a fantabulous day! (Or night)

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