❥ Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back Again

Start from the beginning

I packed some snacks, some packed foods that doesn't have a strong smell so the werewolves won't notice us, which I highly doubt. They'll know when we're coming, my gut tells me they do and that they all I await for my return.

I also made sure I didn't bring any sanitizer or perfume with me. I wore the newly washed jeans and shirt and I didn't put any fabric conditioner to avoid getting tracked by the keen smell of the wolves. I tucked my oversized white shirt on my plaid black jeans. I wore a sneaker so to avoid stumbling in heels. Who would wear a set of high shoes during the hike? Tsk.

Art send me the details of the departure time, we'll be using the private chopper that one of the sponsors lent the school for this very own day. I arrived fifteen minutes before the call time, I pulled over and grabbed my things: my bag pack and a duffel bag. Everyone turned to me when they all saw me, I'm guessing they are the graduating students. I put my sunglasses down and waved at Beth who is now smiling from ear to ear. She immediately ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, I miss you Roni. How have you been?" She asked, cheerfully. I gently pat her back and smiled back. I pulled out of the hug and pinched her right cheek.

"I miss you too. I've been well, thank you. And you?" I asked back.

"I'm stressed out with the upcoming finals but other than that, I'm good." Beth answered. She noticed my duffel bag and she offered to help me carry it. I nodded at her, she's such a sweet girl.

Together we walked near the runway of the airport and walked towards the group of students, Beth's classmates. I out my sunglasses on my bag and decided to tie my slightly damped hair so once the chopper lands down, I won't have trouble getting me hair messy. I tied my blonde hair into a high ponytail.

Art was busy talking someone to his phone but when he saw me coming, he put the phone down and turned to me. He kissed my cheek, a normal gesture I still feel awkward when he is this close. All I think are negative things so I 'm trying to shrug those away.

"I'm glad you came." Art muttered. I smiled a little at him.

"I don't change my mind that easily." I explained. He smiled at me before he turned at his students who are now staring at me, probably confused as to who I am or what I am doing.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet my friend and a renowned zoologist from one of the most well-known company, Dr. Heartfillia." Art introduced me to them. They all greeted me but some of them started whispering. They might know me from what they saw at the news. I cleared my throat.

"I was a zoologist but I am currently not working on that specific field so you can all call me Veronica." I explained. I gently tapped Art's shoulder. "When we reached our destinations, I hope you all will obey your professor. He knew the place, alright?" I asked. They all answered yes in unison.

The chopper arrived at exactly ten o'clock and the two police officers are already inside, aboard. They aren't wearing their usual uniform, I figured it is Art's instruction so to avoid confusion from the students.

William extended his hand to help me up and I gladly took it. We all take our seats and Beth sat next to me. On my left is Art while the two detectives are in front of me.

"This is my first time traveling outside of the city. I'm nervous." Beth whispered. I held her hand and showed her an assuring smile. We're on our way to hell, but the thought of being with Jack again helps me stay sane.

"Your hand is cold, are you okay?" Beth asked, worried about my situation. I wave my hand at her. Art heard her so he also touched my hand, to make sure.

"Are you okay?" Art asked. I nodded my head.

"I'm fine. Motion sickness, that's all." I lied. Beth reached for her bag pack opened one of the pockets. She handed me an orange-flavored candy.

"That'll help." She whispered. I muttered my thanks before eating the candy she gave. I put the candy on my mouth and wore my earphones to listen to some music. My ears are ringing from the altitude as the chopper goes higher.

We safely landed thirty minutes later and all of the students are in awe of the breathtaking view. We landed on the shore and memories came flashing immediately on my head. I stood straight and drank from my bottled water. I also opened my meds and take one of the capsules to calm my nerves.

Some of the students vomited on the spot so I looked away, or else I'll feel nauseous too. Beth clings to my arm as she surveyed the nature in front of us. She's in awe too.

"All right everyone." Art called our attention. "Grabbed your things, we aren't camping here. We'll walk at least one thousand meters from here to reach our camp, so let's go." He ordered.

Gladly I didn't pack too much or else it'll be harder to walk just like that blonde student in ponytail, she was having trouble lifting her baggage. I stifled a laugh. This isn't some sort of vacation, I'm sure Art instructed them to only bring the essential necessities.

Beth helped me carry the duffel bag, she only brought a bag pack, Jelly must've instructed her to pack lightly. Art is on the front, leading the way while the two police officers are behind us, tailing me or protecting me? I wonder what Art told them.

"We're here!" Art exclaimed. I looked far ahead, in front of him lies the hanging bridge.

"Oh, wow. It's such a breathtaking view!" One of the students exclaimed and she immediately screamed. Her voice echoed and all the students were thrilled. They all did the same.

I made my way pass them and walked towards Art to ask him why we're here and not on the other way, the huge cave where our team used top camp.

"What's this Art? Why are we here?" I immediately asked. Art looked around and bend closer to me.

"I'm just showing them the legendary bridge." Art answered. I looked on the other side and images of werewolves chasing us made me trembled in fear. I shook my head. Fear is slowly consuming me.

"Art this isn't a place for field trip. Do you understand? Let's get out of here." I suggested. I panicked. Art held me by the arm.

"Roni, calm down." He warned. "No, Art. I am not going to make that same mistake." I glared back.

"Everyone, stop!" I shouted. They all turned to me. I took a deep breath. "Let's get out of here." I ordered but they all just looked at me.

Then suddenly grabbed my arm again and the same stinging feeling overwhelmed my body. He injected me with that same sedative he gave me on the hospital. I gaped but there's nothing I can do. I am slowly losing my strength.

"I'm sorry everyone, as you all heard. Dr. Heartfillia is currently having her session on a psychiatrist." I heard Art muttered before I passed out. Damn, him. He betrayed me.


Professor Evans let one of the police, William carried Dr. Veronica. Everyone ignored her but I know better. Jelly told me everything. Leo carried the doctor's bag.

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" Leo asked beside me.

"I believed in her." I softly muttered as I stare at the sleeping Dr. Veronica. "Whatever it is, we must be careful. She's revisiting her nightmare."

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