He and Pandora shared a look before laughing lightly.

"You'll never guess who was here earlier," Pandora said.

"Who?" Rabastan asked.


"Rodolphus was here?"

She nodded.

"What did he want?"

"I have something to tell you," Pandora said, "we'll talk after dinner."

He nodded and they walked into the formal dining room together.

The three of them ate in silence, disapproving looks from Amabel continuously shot over spoonfuls of pumpkin stew.

Rabastan and Pandora nearly flew out of the room as soon as they were excused.

"I forgot how horrid dinners with her are," Rabastan shuddered, "I'll say, Pandora, if it weren't for you, I'd run away and never look back."

"She's gotten worse since dad died," Pandora sighed, fidgeting with the silver chain hanging around her neck.

Rabastan nodded solemnly, offering his arm to his sister, "fancy a walk?"

Pandora nodded, clinging onto him like she did when she was young.

A thin layer of snow coated the ground and Rabastan was quick to shrug off his cloak and wrap it around her shoulders.

"What did Rodolphus want?" He asked slowly.

Pandora leaned into him further, savoring his warmth.

"It was about Regulus," she sighed deeply, "I'm afraid he has made a grave mistake."

Rabastan tensed and she knew she didn't have to explain any further.

"When?" He asked.

"A little over a year," Pandora looked up at him gloomily.

"Well shit, Dora," Rabastan ran a hand through his dark hair, "you're going through with it?"

Pandora shook her head, "I won't get the mark, but I can't leave Regulus."

"That settles it, I suppose."

"Settles what?"

"My side has been declared," Rabastan said determined, "I will write to Rodolphus first thing tomorrow."

"Oh, Rabastan! I can't ask that of you!" Pandora's blue eyes widened.

"My mind is made up," he said, "I'm not letting my kid sister go to war alone."

Pandora didn't know what to say, she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you," she said, tears glossing over her eyes.

They continued their walk in a comfortable silence, occasionally discussing Pandora's studies or Rabastan's travels.

"Goodnight," Pandora kissed her brother's cheek, "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, Love," he smiled fondly at her, "I'll see you in the morning."

Pandora retreated up the stairs and into her bedroom, wasting no time to climb under the satin sheets of her bed.

She felt like she had just barely closed her eyes before a tapping on her window made her sit up quickly, feeling quite awake.

The tapping continued, turning into a bang.

Clutching her wand, Pandora climbed out from under her covers and quietly creeped over to the window.

She shrieked as a face stared through the glass.

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