"We are if I say we are."



I grin once more, so she can hold her own? I admire that. I hear our loud gothic doorbell go off which means pizza is here. Grinning I jump up, only when I reach the door my laptop pings again so doing a 180 twist and, looking like a string puppet given conflicting instructions, I dive for my chair once more.

"There is a party tomorrow night at a friends, you in?"

She attaches the invite- I see it is a pool party, most likely for all the Barbie's in the neighborhood.

"Nah," I grin sending it before continuing to type. I see her speech bubbles appear then disappear. " Dream house parties are not really my thing."

I wait while I bundle my curls on top of my head, hearing my dad shout that pizza is here. 

"Be there. you can even bring your own 'Barbie'." Grinning I shut my laptop off and head down stairs- No matter how good looking the person on the other side of the message is food comes first. Somehow, finding Alena attractive doesn't bother me as much I would have thought. Feels natural and exciting. 

Unfortunately once Harriet got wind of the party she was all in and Spencer being the somewhat willing boyfriend made me tag along. Honestly. Tugging at the dress Harriet made me wear I follow them up the stairs to some mansion that definitely qualifies as dream house status. 

"Try enjoy yourself. "Harriet says, squaring her shoulders as she rings the bell. As if willing to fulfill every stereotype, a tall blonde haired ken opens the door, abs on display. Spencer scratches his head nervously, I am sure he wants to disappear anywhere away from this house fill of built men who will no doubt ogle Harriet. They do not have a jealous relationship but there is only so much a guy can take when it comes to his ego.

"Welcome to the pad!"  I am so glad I brought snacks- I refused to give up my side bag of snacks, no matter how much Harriet begged. You do not go into enemy territory with no supplies. 

The house is filled with people enjoying the last few weeks of Summer in bikinis and sarongs. I tug at the dress once more. I do have a costume under it but the chances of me swimming are slim to none. Body confidence is Harriet's thing not mine. Besides- you could hardly call my swimming suit revealing.

"Stop fiddling!" Harriet hisses when I tug once more. "Can you point us to the kitchen?" She asks Ken who happily obliges and tugging on Spencer's hand they lead the way. I try get all the particulars of the house but it is difficult with the multi coloured lights and magnitudes of people blending into one big glittery picture. I barely listen to the explanation of the different drinks and as soon as Ken disappears I poor myself some punch- which is definitely spiked. Waving off Harriet and Spencer's attempt to get me dancing I head outside, the air is warm and thick with music and shouts of glee. The sun is setting and I realize that this party has been going on for way longer than the invitation says- clearly this is the second string. And whatever energy was being conserved is now bubbling under the surface of shit faced teenagers. 

"Want to join our volley ball game?" Turning I spot  a less Ken like Ken but still very much belonging at this house. His grin is small but it takes over his whole face. I follow his gaze, spotting a group of people assembled. 

"Sure." I have no objection to sports- Abandoning my drink and slip slops I follow him, everyone is either in board shorts or swimming costumes. Sighing I yank my dress off to a series of hoots, with my middle finger raised I join my team, quickly gathering my unruly hair into a top knot. Luckily I had put shorts on under the dress, only with a one piece costume. That way it was just like wearing a tank top. 

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