"Oh, it's more than kindness, my friend," King Leopold replied as they came across Snow White, who is picking flowers, and the Evil Queen, who was picking apples. "This is my beautiful daughter – Snow."

"How do you do?" Snow White replied.

"And Regina – my wife. The Queen."

"Hello," the Evil Queen greeted.


Henry watched as a construction team tore his castle down. Regina was off to the side talking to some of the construction workers.

Emma and Nevaeh approached and the former asked, "Hey, what happened? We came as soon as we could."

"The castle!" Henry cried. "She's tearing the whole thing down! My book! It-It's gone."

Emma and Nevaeh whispered, "I'll sort this out."

They walked towards Regina and Emma said, "Congratulations, Madam Mayor. You destroyed the thing he loves."

"A dangerous thing that can only hurt Henry and others," Regina replied. "You two see me as a villain, Miss Swan, Miss, but that's just your perception and you're wrong. Learn your place in this town or, soon enough, you won't be in it. Miss, if you keep doing what you are, I won't hesitate to get you arrested."

Nevaeh smirked darkly. "I'd like to see you try, Madame Mayor."

Regina walked away and Emma pulled out Sidney's business card and dialed the number on her cell phone. She glanced at Nevaeh who shrugged.

"Sidney? Hi. W'are in. We want everyone to know who she really is."


Mary Margaret met David at the Toll Bridge. "I got your text. What's going on?"

"Follow me," David replied, taking her by the arm and leading her further into the forest.

"David, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, is you're late. And the wine's getting warm."

They arrived at a clearing by the water where David had laid out a picnic. They shared a kiss.

"We have to stop doing this," Mary Margaret said.

"We just started doing this," David replied.

"We have to figure out what we're doing."

"We will. Tomorrow."

"Okay. Tomorrow."


Emma drove her squad car along a deserted road and stopped near the end of a tunnel. She and Nevaeh got out and Sidney appeared from the woods.

"All right," Emma started. "We're listening. So, what do you know about her?"

"Fifty thousand dollars," Sidney answered.

"I'm sorry?" Nevaeh and Emma replied.

"Fifty grand out of the budget is missing and Regina is responsible."

"That's it?" Emma asked. "That's what you have on her?"

"The money is just the tip of the iceberg. We figure out what she's doing and it all falls apart -- it all crumbles. And we'll finally learn her secrets. You see what she is. I see it. All we need is a crack in the mirror to show everyone. I'm telling you -- this is it."

"All right. What's your plan?"

"Tap her phone. GPS her car. Hack into her email. Dip into your bail bonds person bag of tricks."

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