Confessions, Lies, Second Chances- Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"See that?  UK is well and fine.  This day has gone spelidedly!", England chatted to his son.

"Yeah, I guess it has Dad", America said, rembering the events of the day

"You're worried about something ", England solemnly stated.

"No, it doesn't really matter ", America said as he looked unto his plate.

"Since when does a son of mine's needs don't matter?", England said trying to figure out what was wrong with America.

"It isn't a big deal dad", America said playing with his food.

"If it has gotten you in the slumps then it is.  Plus what do I always say?", England said looking at America.

"There is no love on earth greater than that of a father for his son", America said looking up.

"Okay then.  Are you going to tell me what's wrong?", England commanded more then asked.

"Well f-my friend is going through something but he can't tell me what is the problem and I want to help but I don't want to invade his privacy", America stated in the most vague way possible.

"Why don't I just pay his family a visit?", England told America a solution.

"If I tell you, you got to promise not to get mad ", America neogated.

"You have my word", England said on the edge of his seat.

"hesortadoesn'tliveinthevillageoryourcountryatall.  Ithinkatonepointyouandhisdadwerefriendsvutidunno themainpointiamtry8ngtomakeisthat", America started mumbling.

"Calm down America.  Speak slowly ", England interrupting not really understanding the starting point to what America was about to spat out at him.

"Well he doesn't live in the country.  Sometimes him and his father come over for business", America admitted the first half.

"Oh and how do you know him?", England said.

"He sorta just climbed into my window one day.  I think he was bored and wanted to see how much trouble he would get into"  America went into the story.  That is Franve for you all.

"Oh is that so?", England asked learning something that his son had been hiding from him.  If he were honest , he was more amazed then angry.  America knew how to tell a good lie.  England was not sure if that was a bad thing or not.  He would just have to wait and see.

"Yeah and we just kept meeting up after that, but lately he has been feeling down and I don't want to get him trouble", America said somehow not exposing France.

"Hmmm how about you invite him to party I'm hosting ?", England said trying to think of solutions.

"But isn't like awhile away?"  America said.

"No it is actually in a few weeks", England corrected America's misinformed mind.

"What?! WHY so soon?!"  America nearly fell out of his seat.

"Because many Empires want to meet you and your brother "  England said.

"Even more than with the ones you were fighting with?", America asked .

"Yes even more", England said.

"The world must be so big then", America said to himself.

"Yes, it is a extremely big place.  Very easy to get lost searching for riches and other things", England chuckled to himself.

"I can't wait to meet everyone ".


Words: 1154

Date posted: 09-06-21

Credits for art:

Hey guys.

  I really tried to cover the topic of selling slaves and such with Ireland and Scotland but I found myself uncomfortable with it as soon as I read what I wrote.  This is the explanation of the sudden entrance and exit of the topic.  I might do a take 2 of it durnjng the revolutionary War.

Thank you for the votes and stuff.  I haven't been online as much  because of classes.  Maybe I might go back on the weekly posting, but for now...

Have a great life

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