Not meant to be (JJ x reader, Rafe x reader) part 6

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The next one month I spent a lot of time with the Pogues considering JJ Maybank was my boyfriend now. But that didn't mean I forgot about Sarah and Rafe. I still went to the country club with them for meals,attended not very interesting Kook parties or just hangout in general. But there was no denying how fun the Pogue life is. No wonder Kie hangs out with them. Rules didn't apply much when it came to Pogues and I liked that. JJ has been an amazing boyfriend from the very first day. I was nervous when he first formally introduced me as his girlfriend to his friends but surprisingly the Pogues became such good friends of mine,and all this happened within the span of a month.

JJ also taught me how to skateboard but I was not even half as close as how good he is. He is still working at my dad's garage so I go there sometimes,pretending JJ was just an acquaintance of mine, someone I know nothing more. And when my dad looked the other way, I would always steal a kiss from him. He knew my parents but whenever I asked about his parents,he brushed me off but I didn't want to push him. We sneaked around at my house a lot whenever my parents were at work.JJ almost came to my house every night to have a sleepover. I had gotten so used to sleeping in his arms that I hated to sleep alone now.

JJ and I sneaked off one day to celebrate our one month anniversary, where he gave me a locket with our initials engraved. He was embarrassed that it was not very expensive but I didn't care about the cost. It's the thought that counts I told him and would cherish anything he gave me. And in return I gave him a watch. He didn't want to take it because it was expensive but I reassured him I bought it with my own money.

Even though we had been dating for more than a month, we didn't go much far than making out. I knew JJ had a big number of flings or hook ups before and I was too scared to think I was inexperienced or not good enough for him. I was even too embarrassed and scared to say "I Love You" to him. What if he didn't feel the same way? There was no end to these questions. And even though I hangout with Rafe, he was still acting a little weird. At first I thought maybe he was back on coke, but his drug test proved he was not. But there was something off with him which I was having a hard time figuring it out.

Right now JJ and I were supposed to meet up at the beach and then go out somewhere to eat. It's been more than half an hour but he didn't show up. JJ has been never late for any of our dates till now so I was a little worried. I called him but he didn't answer so then I texted him.

"Hey are you ok?"

When he didn't reply I called him again but still no answer.

I didn't want to text him again because I felt it was of no use. So I went to the Chateau,hoping he was there or maybe he forgot about the date or something. I saw Pope lying on the hammock,a book on his face,pretty much dozed off. So I went inside the Chateau and called for John B.
He emerged from his room and said.

"Hey there's one of my favourite Kooks."

"Hey John B, um have you seen JJ?"

"No I thought you were both supposed to be on a date right now."

"Yeah,but he didn't show up," I said disheartened.

"Ohh, I am sorry to hear that,but you know JJ he's got the survival instincts of a cockroach, he'll be fine."

"Maybe he went home?" I asked.

I could see something pass through John B's eyes. Like fear.

"No he won't- won't do that," John B shook his head looking very worried.

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