Not meant to be (JJ x reader, Rafe x reader) part 4

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As JJ left my driveway I took a deep breath before heading inside ready to face Rafe. I walked up the stairs and into my room, to see Rafe holding our favourite photo of me,Sarah and him sitting in the backyard. I was only 13 back then,Rafe being 15. It was one of the happiest days of our lives. And we didn't even protest when our moms forced us to take this picture. Our smiles were genuine.

"I love that picture of us," I said.

He looked at me and put the photo down.


"Look Rafe," I interrupted him before he could say anything.

"I am so sorry I left my phone, I should have told you before I left or at least informed Sarah."

"No Y/N, it's ok," he shrugged his head and squeezed his hands into his pockets.

I sighed in relief till he said.

"It doesn't matter anymore Y/N."

"What does that mean Rafe?" I muttered feeling a little hurt.

"It means you don't care about me Y/N." He looked so hurt when he said that.

I took a step towards him and said.

"What are you talking about Rafe. Of course I care about you. You-you are my best friend," I was trying not to let him see I was hurt.

"Am I though? Right now I just feel like I am this loser guy who just chases behind you all day like a guard dog," he said and wiped a tear from his eyes.

"Rafe," I said and went to hug him. He took a step back.

"No just don't Y/N, pls don't. You barely hung out me since summer started. Either it has been those Pogues or Sarah. The boneyard party has been the only time since we have been together."

"I don't need you to pretend you care about me anymore."

"Rafe," I grabbed his hands and said," you are one of the most important person in my life ok."

"I love you Rafe, you are my person and always will be."

"Just pls don't leave me," I cried and hugged him tightly afraid that he will slip away from me. I loved Rafe more than any other person but was I in love with him? That's a question I didn't know the answer of.

I pulled away and said," I am so sorry if I made you feel neglected in any way, I know no one will care for me the way you do."

"Pls just forgive me, I am so sorry."

Rafe looked at me with hooded eyes and sighed.

"You know I can't stay mad at you for long."

"Come here."

He then wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I just want you to be careful around the Pogues ok."

"Yes Rafe," I looked up at him.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Rafe."

He pulled away and said.

"I should go, have to be somewhere with dad tomorrow morning."

"Ok Umm I will text or call you."

He nodded his head and left.

"Bye Y/N."

"Bye Rafe."

Rafe's POV:

I entered Tannyhill after returning from Y/N's house and went to the kitchen to get some water. It was dark and I didn't bother switching the lights on. I opened the fridge and just then a figure appeared and said.

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