Bet(JJ x Reader) Part 3

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Six months later*

"Don't tell me those flowers are from your secret admirer again," Olivia giggled.

"It doesn't matter who's it from."
"They are just wasting their money on these stupid flowers," I said and picked them up from the entrance of the cafe with my name printed out on the card.

"Yeah,well then why don't you throw them away then?" Olivia raised her eyebrows.

"Because well I like them," I said and walked away, going back to work.


God, I hated walking home alone from this stupid job. But I needed to save money to move out. As I walked I could hear small footsteps behind me. But that didn't scare me anymore, I was used to this. Someone watching me or following me but never tried to harm me or anything.

As I was walking past an alley, someone grabbed me and muffled my screams.

"Scream and I blow your head off."

"Give me whatever money you have and I won't harm your pretty little face."

This was the moment I was going to die. This was all I could think about when another body pushed the stranger out of the way and started to beat him up. I should have run but it was like my feet was pinned down. All I could do was stare.

But when that person was almost killing that man, I yelled the words "STOP PLS!"

"He's had enough."

As that person turned around and came into light, a gasp left my lips.


"Hey Y/N."

I ran to him and threw my hands around his neck without a single thought and started sobbing. He tightly wrapped his arms around me.

"JJ I -I thought he was going to kill me , I was so - so scared J," I sobbed.

"Hey, hey,hey," he grabbed my face.

" I won't let anything happen to you, I promise Ok!".

I nodded my head.

"C'mon let's get out of here," he said and grabbed my hand.

"Wait wait what about this piece of shit," I pointed at the thief.

" I am pretty sure I broke his nose and busted him up pretty good so don't worry about it ok!"

"I will call the cops," he said.

After JJ called the cops, we walked away hand in hand. It was a peaceful silence not an awkward one.

"Do you um still hate me?" He asked.

"What no I don't." I said and turned towards him.
"It's been six months JJ, I have moved on."

"But wait a minute,what are you even doimg here."

"Aren't you supposed to be in Outerbanks partying," I air quoted.

He chuckled and said, " I have been here the past six months."

"Noooo way, you are lying."

"No I promise."

" look Um after I followed here from OBX and you told me to leave, I- I just couldn't leave, at least not without you."

God this boy will make me cry.

"The first thing I did was try to find a job which was easy not going to lie. And them um I called John B to find your address. Which was basically he begging Sarah Cameron to give your address. Then I found out where you work and then I started well-,"

"Stalking me?" I interrupted him.

"Well I won't put it that way," he scratched his neck.

"So are you the guy who follows me everyday from work?" I asked.

"Wait how did you even know that?"

" Hmm I don't know JJ, footsteps from behind me everyday I return home from work and those flowers I get it."

"But I honestly didn't know it was you. I was pretty sure you went back home."

"So do you forgive me?"he asked with hope in his eyes.

"I do JJ," I smiled at him.

"Friends?" I gave my hand to shake.

I didn't realise his smile faltered a bit hearing the word friends.

"Friends," he smiled at me.

As I walked with him beside me, I didn't realise when he stopped walking, only when he yelled my name.

"Y/N, we can't be friends," he said.

I frowned hearing that.

"I can't be friends with the girl I am in love with" he said.

"J," I started saying but he interrupted me.

"No let me finish what I wanted to say."

" I spent my whole life trying to find love. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad beats me up for it. I - I ," he gulped trying to not cry.

" he never loved me Y/N and he never will."

" My escape from this shitty life was hanging out with the pogues,partying, weed and sleeping around."

"Till you came."

I locked my eyes with him trying to let the tears escape.

"The three months I spend with you, were the best time of my entire life."

"And after coming here six months ago, I didn't even consider leaving if I could have you back."

"That's all I want."

"And I am so sorry about the bet. It was stupid and dumb and I -I just wish that never happened."

"And hey you know I get it, if you don't have feelings for me anymore. I'll leave you to be."

He waited for my answer and when he didn't get one because I was too surprised and shocked to process everything he just said and started walking away.

"Gotcha," he said.

"Take care of yourself for me will you."

I snapped out of my thoughts instantly.


"Are you really going to leave after saying all that to me?"

I started walking towards him.

"Like dude I was stupidly in love with you," I threw my hands in the air.

"And as much as I wanted to hate you for hurting me, I couldn't J."

" I really couldn't," I smiled at him.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. The feeling that I had been missing for so long, I finally felt it. JJ grabbed my waist and pulled me as close as he could.

As we pulled away, we rested our foreheads against each other.

"So how mad were the pogues when you ditched them," I said.

"They were pretty mad and ready to kick my ass, but they also knew I needed to get my girl back,"he smiled.

"So wanna tell them you got your girl back face to face," I said.

"Wait for real?"

"Yeah J, I wanna go back  to Obx with you."

" I only worked as a waitress to save money to move out and now I wanna go back to the place that makes me the happiest."

"I love you Y/N  Y/S/N."

"I love you too JJ Maybank."

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