✨Forgotten - All Characters x Amnesiac! Reader✨ 2

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A/N: Part 2 here we go~


~11 Days Later~

Ever since you passed out, Trey was the one to take you into the infirmary. You had been fainted for 11 days straight...and all dorms agreed to take turns watching over you too.

Today, the Diasomnia Gang were watching over you as Ignihyde had to be skipped, knowing Idia doesn't want to leave his dorm. Malleus sighed. You were fine just a week ago, how did it come to this? He swore, once he found out who did this to you, he'll give them no mercy at all. What did you even do to deserve this? He didn't know.

Just as he was looking down from the bed you were laid down on, looking quite disappointed..

"..." Your hand twitched slightly as you moved your body a bit, causing Malleus to look up at you in widened eyes. "...(Y/N), My Human.." He said. Lilia, Sebek, and Silver walked over in a rush upon seeing you move.

"Is she waking up?" Lilia asked. Silver nodded slowly, looking at you with tired eyes. "I think so.." He mumbled.

And he was right.

Slowly, you started opening your eyes, much to their excitement. They were finally going to see you again. After 11 days of waiting, they were going to see the face they yearned to see for days. You blinked, sitting up from the bed as they looked at you in curiosity, then in absolute surprise.

You were awake.

Yes, you were.

But something...

...Was not right.

Instead of that happy, comforting face they anticipated to see...

All they saw was fear. And desolation.

They were confused. Why were you looking at them like that? "..(Y/N)..?" Lilia was about to reach out to touch your hand yet you suddenly jerked away. "Who...who are you?" You managed to speak out. No, this wasn't right. This wasn't the (Y/N) that they used to know. This was a different one. What happened to you..? Lilia couldn't pinpoint it as to why you were acting this weird.

Silver immediately went out of the room, whilst the 3 Diasomnia members could only look at you in bewilderment and shock. A hint of sadness washed over Malleus like a strong wave. He finally found the one he loved, the one who he truly cherished and loved. And now...

She was gone?

No, he didn't want to believe it. He wished it wasn't real. Yet as Silver came back with a doctor, the man had explained that there was a few complications when (Y/N) got a headache and fainted, mostly developing Retrograde Amnesia* in the process.

"I can't believe it...no.." Lilia was at a loss for words, as Silver and Sebek were devastated at the news. And Malleus...no one knew what was going on inside his head.

'What am i doing here..? I thought i was just at home...but this place doesn't look familiar at all.' You thought, sighing as they entered the room again.

"Hi there, (Y/N)...my name is Lilia Vanrouge, i'm sure you are confused on why you're here right now.." He said with a fake smile. And under that smile...was a broken heart.

"..." You smiled back genuinely. He seemed nice. "Hello, yes...what is this place and how did i get here?" You questioned. The doctor began explaining everything, from the day you were transported to NRC and to now...

You listened to everything he said, and by the end of it all...you were surprised. Magic? Defeating overblots? The Great Seven? Many questions flooded your mind yet you kept quiet instead.

The doctor decided to give you all some time alone and leave the room.

Malleus looked at the others with a face none of them understood. Yet Lilia must have understood how he felt and nodded at him with an empty expression.

Now what were they going to tell the others?

~Time Skip (At Heartslabyul)~

Lilia told everyone to meet them in Heartslabyul, to tell them the news. He didn't want to, yet knew he didn't have a choice because he saw everyone's hopeful faces...yet only to be destroyed as they heard everything.

"Wh-What..?" No one was happy, that's for sure. Why did this have to happen to you? This question had flooded everyone's minds as you looked at them innocently.

"But how did this happen? It was just a headache, right..?" Epel mumbled. Silver asked you to sit down as you complied. Everyone was currently discussing over the problem. And decided...it would be best to take you home instead.

After all, you wouldn't remember them anymore right? There was no point in keeping you here if all you were going to was throw their precious love for you away like an old toy...isn't that true?

"Alright, we'll find a way to bring her back." Crowley said, as he, Sam, Ashton, Trein, and Crewel left the area. It had been too long since you hadn't gone home. It was only natural to take you back.

No one would look at you the same anymore.

None of them won't ever forget you, however. Yet in the condition you were in...

Forgetting everything about you was the only choice. To get rid of the sadness which was now hidden in their hearts.

Of course, this wasn't your fault this all happened. But no one told you about the truth, in which, they actually loved you. Being the only girl in the school, i was easy to have you stand out, and they loved everything about you. Be it your confidence, or your flaws. There was nothing they disliked about you.

But now, they had to watch slowly as the light of their life was to be ripped out of their hands completely.


..we'll miss you."

Was the last thing you heard before you were pushed through the mirror, back to the world you lived in. As you landed on your knees through your bedroom, the mirror you had stopped glowing green and went back to normal.

You were thankful that they brought you back home yet...

Why did you feel so unhappy?

A/N: One question- I don't want to leave anybody hanging or sad, so should i continue with my idea of making a part 3 for this? If yes, please tell me, and thank you for reading! 🌺

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