✨Forgotten - All Characters x Amnesiac! Reader✨

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A/N: Let's get into this ❤️ This shall be split into 2 parts, this is part 1!


~Third Person's P.O.V~

This morning, you had woken up in quite a bad mood. You were having a terrible headache, and you didn't know what to do. What had you even done last night..? "I don't remember doing anything...damn it, now i have to go to school and deal with it." You sighed, getting up from bef and taking a shower. Maybe you just didn't get enough rest, or it maybe was the constant stupidity of Ace that got you like this...

~Time Skip~

"Hey, (Y/N)- Woah! You alright..?" Ace asked you in concern. Yeah, you looked pretty bad to him. At least you put an effort into looking good, though. Vil would appreciate it. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just having a bad day.." You lied. You didn't want to involve them into your own problems knowing damn well you didn't wanna add to the stress. Deuce nodded with a slight frown.

"Well, i hope you feel better soon then. Let's get to classes.." He said.

~At Class~

Trein entered the classroom and was about to tell the class to settle down, yet his eyes suddenly landed on you and saw your current state. He seemed surprised at you. "(Y/N), if you don't feel well, i think it's best if you rest back at your dorm. Get well." He said, as you nodded and reluctantly got up and left the classroom. Ace and Deuce stared at the seat you were once in. Question was, were you really okay?

During class, Ace couldn't focus at all. He was thinking about you. Were you sick? You should have just told them if that was the case. "Hey, Juice.." He muttered, looking at the desk. Deuce seemed irritated at the name his friend called him, but chose not to fuss over it and get detention. "Yeah?" He replied. "Do you think (Y/N) is alright? She seemed really awful earlier this morning.."

Deuce sighed, it was true. But he couldn't really do anything, you were quite stubborn after all. The rest of the class went smoothly, however after school, both students chose to visit you at Ramshackle.

~After School~

"Come on, let's find (Y/N)." Ace said, confusing Epel and the other 1st Years. "What happened..?" Jack asked. "It's about (Y/N), she was asked to stay in her dorm and rest since she wasn't looking too good.." Deuce replied. "What!?" Epel exclaimed. "We're coming with you, then!!" Sebek as well said, his loud voice booming through the hallways causing most students to look their way.

Ace groaned. "Fine." He said with a shake of his head. And so, the 1st Years went to visit you in Ramshackle.

~With You~

Your headache was getting worse by the second. Even drinking a pain killer didn't help as much. You decided to just deal with it somehow, and go to bed. You thought you were just really stressed and tired of all the events, you decided to sleep for a bit.


"(Y/N)? Hello?" Deuce opened the door to Ramshackle and looked around. It was dark...no lights were even on. "Come on," Ace said, "Let's find her."

All of them nodded, and decided to check your bedroom first. Deuce and the rest walked in, and were surprised to see you asleep, clutching your head tightly. Sebek walked over and shook you awake gently.

"Hey, Ningen, wake up." He said, in a loud tone yet it wasn't enough to break everyone's ears. You slowly stirred awake, half lidded eyes looking over to the gang. "Sebek..? Guys?" You whispered. Epel helped you get up, yet once you did, a stinging sensation came to your head causing you to hiss in pain.

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