Chapter 161

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I'd managed to get all of his clothes packed, along with all the bits he needed from the bathroom without any major issues.

I don't know what you saw but I absolutely did not stand there inhaling the scent of his shower gel for a solid three minutes. Absolutely not and anyone who tells you I did is a liar because that would be really weird right...

We turned down the flirting to a solid 3/10 for the rest of the time I was there, only occasionally sharing glances whilst listening to the music he had playing. Am I the only person that it took a break up to realise every fucking song you hear is about being in love? Seriously, write about a cheese sandwich once in a while or something people.

Finally we're almost done when the door knocks downstairs and Jayce runs to answer it. "Mum, why are you knocking?"

Tara pokes her head in the door. "No reason... I always knock... Just seeing if you could come give Cole a hand for a minute, he needs a tall person and apparently me almost falling off the dining chairs as I hold up bunting doesn't count. You can get straight back."

I giggle as Jayce rolls his eyes at her. "Yeah, sure. We're nearly done here anyway."

Tara looks at me, scanning over my dress like I've spilt a bowl of tomato soup down the front or something - which I've only done twice!

"I'll be there in a second. Let me just carry the bags over." She smiles at us both and walks back to the house.

I go back into the room just to do a final check and I don’t know what possesses me but I see the shoebox under the bed and throw it into the small bag. I know he’s hiding something and if it’s all the numbers of the girls he hasn’t called back then maybe it would help me to move on if I saw it...

I go back out and attempt to pick up the bag next to me but it's like it's nailed to the floor. "You have too much shit. Brie has less clothing than you."

Jayce reaches over and lifts the bag with ease and I curse him internally as he smirks back at me. I get it, you’re a big, scary, strong basketball player but I can put my legs behind my head so fuck you.

I grab the smaller bag back from the couch and follow him to the main house. Tara and Dad have done so much already, the house is almost party ready despite the fact I'm sure Milo is still blowing up the same balloon he was when I left him.

"Mum can I go out now, the boys are waiting for me." The boys - he really thinks he's a little grown up now doesn't he?

Tara waves her hands to shoo him away and he takes the opportunity to run out the front door without even closing it properly behind him.

"Do you need help? That is what I’m here for right?" I ask, watching as Tara struggles to unwind a string of party bunting still looking a bit worse for wear.

"Umm well yes but... no dear we've nearly done everything we can now, I'm popping over to Elizabeth’s in a bit if you want to come? Or you could go see Brie or someone? I thought we'd do pizza and movies altogether tonight if both of you aren't busy though."

I don't think I'm ready to face Elizabeth yet, despite what Tara says I'm not incredibly optimistic about her being happy to see me.

"Thanks, I'll see what Brie's doing. Pizza sounds good though." I already knew Brie was working until tomorrow and Josh wasn't free either. I had a hundred hours of TV to catch up on after finals and a bag full of Oreos with my name on so I’d keep myself busy.

Jayce motioned for me to walk up the stairs first and I was grateful because even this small bag was starting to weigh me down.

I don't know why I hesitated outside the bedroom door, it's just a room Aleah, it's not going to jump out and bite you. I just hadn’t been in there since...

"You okay?" Jayce’s voice come out as a deep whisper behind me. No, not really, but it doesn't matter anyway.

Turning the handle I hoped to find it changed into a mix of pink and unicorns just like May's one had but no such luck. Still the crisp grey walls, the deep black velvet curtains, the chair by the desk where I... and then of course the same marshmallow soft bed. I just stop as I walk in, staring at it.

So much of my life made and ended in that bed. My fingers run lightly over the rich silk fabric and I can feel how much I desperately want to get back in it, just feel the safety I felt every time I'd close my eyes in this room... it's been so long since I felt that kind of contentment.


I hadn't realised he was so close but as his breath leaves his body I can feel it hit against my shoulder. The following strike ripples throughout my body as his hand gently runs from my arm down to my fingertips, leaving the sensation of a hurricane that drenches me in my need for him.


I lean back from the sheets, careful to mask my face from his view, knowing if I take one look in his eyes I'll just crumble. I take the backpack I just packed full of his bathroom stuff and walk back through the door, shutting it and sinking down onto the toilet lid.

We can't keep doing this to each other. Friends, that's what I wanted out of this weekend, to find a way for us to be friends and not have everything be so bloody awkward for everyone.

I busy myself putting all his bits away and try my best not to concentrate on any aspect of this room too much. I couldn't even come in here yesterday but I managed to have a shower earlier with minimal crying so I guess I'm making progress.

Jayce is probably doing the same thing as me, I can hear him rustling around in his closet and I know I should go ask if he needs more help but I just can't go back in there.

I put the shoe box in my closet, feeling silly for taking it now and not even wanting to see the contents.

I settle for laying in my bed and spending an hour listening to Kallie chat about all the random crap happening on the other side of the country. Her and Drew decided to spend a month travelling before coming back here, although there's an edge to her voice that leads me to believe there's more going on. I don't push her, she knows I'm here when she wants to talk.

Brie texts to say she's got so much work to do she may have to start taking a vibrator to work just to ease the tension, there's something about listening to her being the usual dirty queen she is that I find very therapeutic. Yeah, we're weird and too close, I know.

Josh sends me a selfie from his new office and he looks so bloody proud of himself, as he should be. He's worked so hard to get there and I know he's going to have that business all of his own he's always wanted in no time.

Cuddling up on my bed, I watch an old favourite whilst stuffing my mouth full of everything I can find with a sugar warning.

A gentle knock on the adjoining door makes me swallow hard and almost choke. "Come in?.."

Jayce walks through, water still running off him from the shower, towel wrapped around his waist and I immediately turn into a bigger puddle than the one on the bathroom floor.

Hold your shit together Aleah. He's just a man... okay a fucking God who knows how to work every inch of your body but still...

"Hey... um do you know where you put my toothbrush? I can't find it in there."

Where I put his what? I didn't hear anything after the water started to run over his abs and down under that towel... all that stands between me and pure satisfaction - a fucking towel...


Shit. Stop staring you absolute perv!


A smirk spreads across his face as he runs his eyes down me now, making sure to loop around every curve that he always liked so much. "Toothbrush?"

I shake my head in an attempt to remove the images I currently have floating around in it. I do not want to have sex with Jayce Thompson anymore. Can anyone else hear my clit laughing at me?

"Shit.. yeah sorry.. I put it in the side pocket of the bag so it's probably still in there if I forget to put it on the shelf."

A loud crash on the TV draws both our attention just in time to see Buffy and Spike going at it like rabbits. "What are you watching?"

I look at him blankly. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, how can you not know that? Honestly sometimes I think you were raised by wolves, your lack of decent TV knowledge is atrocious."

He walks towards me, eyes glued to the TV. "Fine. Educate me."

I shuffle over to get the remote. "Okay but you cant watch it from here, Buffy must be appreciated from the beginning."

As I move us back to the first episode he sits down in the space next to me.




His smirk only grows. "I'm actually quite comfortable." His hands interlocking behind his head as he leans back against the head board, little beads of water dripping from his blonde hair onto the pillow.

I shove him as hard as I can and feel extremely satisfied when he has to grab hold of the bedside cabinet to stop himself falling out.

"Fine!" He gets up and walks to the door, turning back to me with his eyebrows raised. "You didn't seemed to have a problem when you were eye fucking me a minute ago though did you?"

Okay my body may die of frost bite because every ounce of heat I have in it has made it's way to my face. I grab the slightly damp pillow from next to me and hurl it across the room at him.

A loud chuckle radiates throughout his chest as he catches it with ease, before throwing it back and laughing hysterically as it bounces off my face.

Finally after putting on the lowest hanging sweats he owns and nothing else he decides to re-join me and I introduce him to the glorious Scooby gang.

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