Chapter 39

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As we got to my locker she was still not letting it go. She was rather impressed with Jayce’s dominant ways although I wasn’t sure I’d be okay with it becoming a regular thing.

Brie spotted Chad and Jayce coming in and pushed me into homeroom. I made the joke that years of sleeping with married men had given her a keen sense for when a scorned spouse entered the vicinity.

We skipped gym claiming it was our special time of the month, it was the only excuse Coach never argued with. We spent it instead painstakingly pushing Chads shirt through the vents into his locker and giggling like, well, school girls.

The rest of the day went by in a blur of running and hiding from things I knew I should face. I was relieved when at the end I made it back to Bries car unscathed.

Ms Day let us into the studio. She was a kind lady when you got to know her but most people didn’t bother to try. They were put off my her constant bombardment of swearing at their children in Russian while she taught but she was always good to Brie.

“So what did you have in mind for this routine? Didn’t you say something about props?”

“Oh yeah, one sec.” Brie ran back into the foyer and returned with one of the chairs.

“A chair?” I asked not sure it was the most original idea.

“I know okay, but just hear me out. It has to be an all girls dance routine but I was thinking that there’s no rule saying the hot guys in the group can’t be the props. Since they can’t move or else they wouldn’t be considered a prop, what about a play on a lap dance?”

Brie starts to talk me through the plan and it was genius. She had managed to mix street and strip whilst adding elements of burlesque. It was unique and would definitely make them stand out.

Brie showed me a few moves she’d created and I gave some input on the transitions. We talked about tuning down the sexy in the girls outfits to balance out the sex appeal of the moves.

She called in one of the dancers from her group – Harley. He was gorgeous and hilarious, but thankfully completely screaming gay. It made me grinding my body all over him much more comfortable.

We practised non-stop, letting Brie tweak things as we went along until she was happy with how it all looked. By the time we were done my hips hurt from rolling them so much and there wasn’t an inch of me Harley hadn’t touched.

“Why won’t you dance with us Aleah? You’re good! I mean, I would have preferred Zac Efron running himself all over my body like that but gurllll, you can move!”

I laugh as he snaps his fingers at me in approval.

“Brie will tell you that me and dancing in public is not a good mix.” I chuckle.

“Yes! The last time she danced in front of an audience was our sixth grade recital,  she got so nervous she ran off and threw up on Ms Days shoes. Not your most grateful moment Al!” She was setting up a row of chairs ready to show the class her creation when they got here.

“But Al, now that you’ve got the moves down, you could always give the stage another go - if you don’t want Harley I’m sure Jayce wouldn’t mind stepping in and becoming your prop for the night!” She winked at me.

I flipped her off as Harley grasped at his invisible pearl necklace and faked being hurt at the idea of being replaced.

A smile spread across my face as I remembered how it’s Jayce’s birthday in a few weeks and that a private showing of my new skills would be one hell of a present.

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