I gulped "We're going?? We're not even allowed to step inside the building"

"We are serving him court papers and the lawyer will be with us." He said

I'm nervous about facing Mr.Yang, but I have to do this in order to gain BigHit back.

That night in our office building we told the boys our plan and how Mr.Yang and his lawyer made a phony termination paper. They're nervous but willing to do anything to take down that bastard.

The next morning I woke up with a gigantic knot in my stomach that made me feel nearly sick. I was absolutely scared of what's about to happen today. I ended up dressing really nice in a skirt, heels, and a button up blouse.

Mr.Bang and his lawyer picked me up at 9:30 AM sharp. As I was getting into the car, I nearly pissed myself. It was Mr.Fa.............. The man who made my fake ID for the concert. Mr.Fa was driving and Mr.Bang and I were in the backseat.

"He's your lawyer?!" I whisper yelled into Bang PDs ear.

"He's the best Y/N, you'll see."

He better hope he's right.

We arrived at "Yang Entertainment" and I was now nervous as can be. Mr.Fa parked the car on a side street and the building was on the other side of the road. As we approached the entrance, Mr.Fa turned to look at us.

"Now we are here for business only, do not let Mr.Yang feed you into any of his bullshit." He said in a stern tone of voice.

Mr.Bang and I nodded our heads yes as we walk into the building. I gotta hand it to the guy he's tough, maybe Mr.Bang was right about him being the best.

We walk through the front doors and people are immediately are whispering.

"Isn't that Mr.Bang?"
"That's Namjoon's wife, Y/N"
"Why are they here?"

We approach the elevator and we are immediately stopped by security.

"I'm sorry but you all are not welcomed in this building, I'm going to ask that you leave immediately."

Mr.Fa, a quite tiny man with a temper, would not let the security man boss us around.

"This is a court matter. If you do not let us up stairs I will arrest you at once!!!!!" Mr.Fa yelled so loudly, I even think I saw smoke come out of his ears because how red his face got.

The security man quickly stepped aside and let us enter the elevator. I leaned into Mr.Bangs ear.

"Okay, you were right he is damn good." I said making him smile.

"I told you."

I texted Kyong, to let him know that we were here and to tell the guys. We got off the elevator and we were greeted by Joon and Kyong.

"You guys ready?" I asked. They nodded their heads yes.

We walked down the hallway to Mr.Yangs office, before busting in his office, Mr.Fa spoke.

"Now everyone remember, we are here for business. Do not let this man fool you he's a complete pussy." Mr.Fa said, we agreed with him.

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