We had managed to print out a bunch of little pictures of Santa and Elf’s and put them up all around the cabin. However, we hadn’t managed to get a tree but honestly didn’t even matter. It really did feel like Christmas, and I was so happy. I hummed along to some random tune as I continued to make a long chain to hang around the cabin. We had all decided to watch our favorite movies, and thanks god I had remembered to bring all my DVD’s. As of right now, How The Grinch Stole Christmas was on the telly. This was by far one of my favorite movies, like ever.

“I love Dr. Seuss” I stated absent mindedly.

“I don’t remember anyone asking you love.” Harry says over his shoulder. I shoot him daggers before turning my attention back to the movie.

“I don’t remember anyone asking you to breathe Styles, oops.” I say with sarcasm lacing every word. Harry’s jaw tensed as I noticed that he was simply not going to let me win this one.

“Save the stubbornness for your boyfriend, Val.” Harry said amusement glittering in his green orbs. The thing was, I was not going to let him win this either.

“Oh, the same boyfriend which you are in a gay relationship with? I ship Narry you know.” I tell Harry my eyes brows rising at his expression. Harry managed out a chuckle but he didn’t stop there.

“Ship it all you want, but just saying, I completely drowned because I ship Nalerie so hard.” Harry says give me a smirk and a roll of his eyes.

“Good thing you drowned because I was this close to killing you anyways.” I told him, almost sure I had won.

“You would miss me.” Harry scoffs.

“Yeah just as much as the world misses Hitler.” I replied which earned me some encouragement from the ‘crowd’.

“Harry, she owned you.” Liam hollers which makes Harry groan.

“Shush man, I still have some man pride to hang onto.”

“You better hang on tightly to it, because it’s all you got.” I reply which earns me a high-five from Louis.

“Mate, just give up, she is a stubborn child, I would know.” Niall laughed.

“Oh would you?” Taylor asked folding her arms across her chest.

“This conversation turned rated PG-13 faster than Niall and Valerie are falling in love.” Eleanor concluded. This makes Niall groan loudly in disagreement.

“Stop, you’re going to make Valerie wet.” Harry says starting the argument again.

“Harry, you know you are hard ‘cause of that moan, and don’t even deny it.” I said while rolling my eyes.

Harry gives me a scowl which I return with a lob sided grin.

“I can feel the sexual tension.” Louis states after a couple of minutes had gone by in complete silence. Everyone chuckles at the statement, and the room settles into a warm silence. We all continued with whatever we were doing before.

Louis had disappeared and came back with a case of beer in his hand.

“I would like to know where you got that, and why I didn’t notice it earlier?” Niall says his eyes widening at the beer in Louis hands.

“Fake ID does come in handy, now doesn’t it?” Louis laughs.


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