Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~Valerie's Point Of View~

I had finished washing of the cruddy makeup of my face and was just sitting with Niall on the sofa. Well actually, I was lying down on the sofa and he was on top of me just to piss me off.

"Niall get your fat ass off of me" I groan trying to get him off.

"No, this is comfortable" He tells me nuzzling deeper into the crook of my neck. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I loved the way this felt. Even if Niall was crushing my bones, everything felt nice for a change, everything was going right.

"You're doing this just to piss me off" I mutter under my breath.

"Of course I am love" He chuckles which earns him a smile from me.

"Let's play something" I tell him pushing him off of me. Surprisingly, I actually managed to drop him to the floor; since I probably caught him off guard.

Niall groans and runs his hand through his tasseled hair. He didn't even reply, just grabbed my ankle and pulled me onto the floor with him. I let out a yelp as I fell on top of him.

I tried to keep a mad face, but ended up bursting out laughing.

"Niall" I laugh punching him slightly in the arm. He raises his eyebrows and a playful smirk arises on his lips

"Yes darling?" He purrs wrapping his arms around my body to close any space we had between us. I can't possibly be enjoying this, but the truth of the matter as, I was. However, I couldn't possibly let him know that he was making me enjoy this.

"Let's play go fish" I tell him smiling, and pulling apart from our random embrace We were still on the floor, Niall underneath me, however, now I was sitting on top of him rather than laying on top of him.

Niall just stares at me as if I was growing a second head "Come again, princess?" He asks

"You heard me, now let's find a deck of cards" I tell him, getting up of the floor. He cracks a smile and props himself up on his elbow as a smirk was on his lips. "This is why I love you" He mutters before standing up and trying to help me find some cards. I smile at what Niall just said, and pray that I wasn't blushing. Hell, why would I be blushing? I know Niall loves me, and he know I love him. But when he said it to me right now, it felt different. Everything felt so much different.


"Go Fish" Niall says. After 20 minutes we had finally found a deck of cards and were playing for about ten.

"You little liar!" I screech throwing my cards down in defeat. It was almost one in the morning, and here we were playing gold fish. You know, normal things a guy in a girl do when they are locked in a room together. Nothing special.

"How would you know, cheater?" He asks. I admit, I did take a peek at Niall's cards but only because I thought he was cheating by not telling me what cards he had, honest!

"Then letme see your cards!" I say sticking my chin in the air.

"No!" He screams moving his cards away from me.

"Niall!" I tell him jumping on top of him trying to see his cards. He throws his cards in the air so they fall al around us.

"Get off of me!" He screeches trying to get me off. I refuse and pin him down as he laughs.

"You think you can pin me down, sweetheart?" He chuckles flipping me over easily. I squirm in his grip, and try to get myself out, but I know that no matter how much I try, I couldn't.

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