last part: a little misunderstood. 💞

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my heart shatters.. it was mattheo. he must have been kissing that girl.. tears drop from my eyes as i run back to my dorm. i sit back down on the bed and cry. he's cheating on me.. after all we've been through he's cheating on me. i decide to get dressed for this occasion. i might not go, but i want to know why he's cheating on me. i dress into a dark red flowy dress. black glossy heals and natural makeup, i paint my nails black and curl my hair, by then it's almost 3pm, i should get ready to leave now. do i really want to? i don't think i can. i start to cry again, mascara flows down my cheeks, ruining my makeup. i try taking deep breaths but it doesn't work. why.. i thought we had something special.. more special than anyone else on this earth. i guess not. it's ten minutes after 3 and i hear someone knock the door. they open it and it's draco. he's dressed up in a suit too,

"y/n..? why haven't you met mattheo?" he notices i'm crying. "what's wrong?"
"leave me alone." i reply bluntly. he moves the used tissues on the bed and sits next to me,
"y/n you need to come with me okay? it's special"
"oh yeah because everything between me and mattheo is sooo fucking special." i cry, he looks confused.
"what? y/n come on"

"fine! i'm taking you there myself" he picks me up. i try to get out of his grip but it doesn't work.
"let me go!" i shout, he starts walking to the tree, i squirm and squeal to try get out, i really don't want to see him right now. it's probably some shitty excuse for him cheating on me...
"get off me!" i sniff and shout at draco. he drops me and i land,
" i'm leaving!" they are all here, dressed up. the place was decorated beautifully.
"y/n?" mattheo questions
"FUCK OFF MATTHEO" i scream "i'm leaving."
"you can't run in heals y/n." draco says,
"that's why i'm taking them off" i take off my heals and start to run away, still crying. i don't get far before mattheo stops me.
"what do you want?" i say sharply.
"what's wrong?" what the actual fuck..

"i think you know mattheo.. i thought what we had was special! but never mind.."
"what you talking about! i brought you here beca-"
he raises an eyebrow and tilts his head.
"y/n i'm n- "

"save it, i don't want to speak to you ever again!" i start to walk off
"y/n i'm not cheating on you!" he shields me from walking away again.
my friends watch closely. they all look confused.
"explain it all then. i heard you giggling with girls in the room when you wouldn't let me in? and you won't look me in the eye and you were ignoring me! and i heard you kissing that girl around the corner earlier.. explain it.." i try to calm down. but it gets worse. i can barely breathe without crying in heart break.

"ohh.. y/n you've got it all wrong. listen okay.. i cant tell you exactly why. but we were planning something.. and that's why they were all in our dorm. the girls giggling were blaise and draco. i couldn't look at you because of i did i knew i'd ask you straight away..."
"ask me what?!"
i hear draco whisper, "this isn't going to plan.."
"y/n..." he gets on one knee. i immediately stop crying, what's he doing?
"the reason you heard kissing was because. draco was imitating us after i asked you this. the girl you must have saw would've been hermione or pansy, and we weren't kissing. we were avoiding you to plan it out.. and make it perfect for us. i'm sorry that you felt this way and just know i'd never do such a thing-

"wait so you're not cheating on me?"
"no shh let me finish princess.
y/n.. you're the most beautiful, amazing, intelligent. loving and caring person i'd ever met, i never thought i'd love someone. yet i found you, i'd been waiting for this day since the day i saw you..
y/n y/l/n.

i'd gotten it all wrong.. he was just avoiding me because they were planning this.. i feel so bad i must have ruined it..

"i- yes!" my face fills with joy and so does his. he slowly slips the ring on my finger, i see all of my friends crying. we are all crying. mattheo picks me up and twirls me through the air. i laugh as he puts me down. he goes to kiss me but i stop him,

"i'm so sorry for ruining it." i look down. he moves my head with his palm and makes me look at him.
"you didn't ruin it i promise. even though you've been crying.. you look amazing."
i kiss him, a hard passionate kiss,
i hear draco in the background saying
"told you guys,"
we all laugh as we group hug.

"you may all now greet the lovely.. y/n riddle" mattheo says
"mate she's not riddle yet. that's when you get married"
"shhh she is y/n riddle, my baby riddle.. ooh on that thought, can we have babies?"
everyone is shocked at what he says but i just laugh, i mess up his hair by brushing my hands through it and i say "yes of course we can have babies"
he picks me up and spins me once more, then placing me on his hip.
"MORE BABY RIDDLES!" he shouts.

he starts walking us to the dorm. he gets there and throws me on the bed. kissing me all over,

we had a rough start.. but things couldn't get any better...


rough start. 🥀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora