Chapter Thirteen

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"What about on the beach?" Killian asked as he rested his head on his hand, the sheets barely covering his naked body as he and Althea discussed where to get married. Althea smiled as she cuddled closer to him, her face nuzzling into his chest as he kissed the top of her head.

"Yes, but only if I get to be barefoot."

"Whatever you want my love, this is your big day." He said as he rested his back against the bed, Althea moving her body over his as she left small kisses over his pecks. "I can't wait to have you as my wife-I never thought I would say that."

"So, you never wanted to marry before me?" She asked as she moved her body over his, her head resting on her arm as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"No. Honestly no. I never even entertained that thought but then I saw you that day and-boom" He smiled as they both heard the low rumbled of a motorcycle outside, Althea moving off him as Killian peaked out the window.

"Oh no." He said as she saw the annoyed look on his face, Althea pulling the sheets over her naked body. "It's Mathia's best friend River, she's been gone on a cross-country road trip, and it looks like she is back." He said as she watched him throw on some clothes, Althea throwing on his shirt and her panties as her curiosity was peaked.

"I'm back bitches!" River said as she just walked through the door the moment that Killian opened it, Althea covering her smile as she loved the energy that River was giving off. She was a short woman with blonde hair and black streaks. Her arms and neck were covered in tattoos and her nails looked like claws, Althea was secretly envious of her carefree attitude.

"Just come on in, River," Killian said as he closed the door as River dropped her bag on the couch, Killian rolling his eyes as she plopped down on the couch and placed her feet on the table.

"Where is Mathias---oh shit were ya'll fuckin?" She asked as she finally noticed Althea, Killian running his hands over his face as he mouthed, I'm sorry to Althea. "I'm River Tobin." She said as she jumped off the couch and shook Althea's hand, her eyes noticing the ring on her finger. "WHOA! Killian, you got engaged. Nice! What's your name, pretty lady?" She asked as Killian pulled Althea to him, a smile on her face as she instantly loved River.

"Althea, I love your tattoos."

"Thanks, sugar, how long have you two been together? When I left Killian, you were obsessing over that girl who worked at the library." She said as Killian gave her a look, River's mouth parting as she finally put two and two together. "I'm going to take my tongue flip it over my shoulder and take my ass out of here. Where is Mathias? The fucker knew I was coming home."

"He is at the clubhouse; I'm texting him now. River you can't stay here." He said as she walked into the kitchen, her hands full with a beer and bag of chips as she completely ignored him.

"I know that Killian-I got a hotel I just wanted to see my best friend-but I guess you'll do." She teased as Althea muffled her giggle, River giving her a wink as she sat back down on the couch, Killian sitting in the large reclining chair as Althea sat in his lap. "I am happy for you two honestly, I never thought Killian would get married."

"What can I say, I changed him for the better," Althea said as Killing kissed her cheeks, Althea noticing that River had the same neck tattoo as Mathias a sign that they were extremely close.

"Good, Killian needs to settle down. When is the wedding?"

"You aren't invited," Killian said as Althea joking elbowed him in the chest, his fingers poking her side as River dramatically rolled her eyes. "I think that's him pulling up," Killian said as they heard a low rumble outside, River jumping up from the couch as they watched her rush out the door.

His Burning Desire //Devils Hitman MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now