Chapter Eleven

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TW: This chapter contains loss, reader be advised.

  'Hey!" Dolly said as Althea walked into the diner, her arms going around her friend as she hugged her tight. "Let me see it." She said as she grabbed her hand and looked at the lovely engagement ring, Dolly's eyes welling up with tears as she hugged Althea again.

"I am so happy for you honey." Althea's smile fading as she saw the look on her face, her eyes motioning for them to sit in the back booth. "I'm sorry, I am such a mess," Dolly said as she wiped the tears from her eyes and pushed her brown hair from her face, Althea's heart going out to her as she could tell that something was wrong.

"What happened, Dolly?"

"Ray left me last week. Took all my money and just moved out with some twenty-something stripper." She said as she grabbed a napkin from the holder and dabbed at her eyes, Althea hating to see her best friend so upset since she felt that Dolly deserved nothing but love and kindness since that's all she ever showed others.

"I'm so sorry, Doll. I thought you two were going to counseling."

"We were but he just one day told me that he was leaving and that he was in love, and he no longer wanted me. I mean Jesus I can't blame him." Althea furrowing her brow as she placed her hand over hers in a small attempt to show comfort.

"Don't stay that. You are gorgeous and you have an amazing body, any man would be lucky to have that." She smirked as Dolly smiled, her smile always able to light up her face.

"Thank you, Althea, but I am 36, and finding love at my age, is nearly impossible." She said as the bell on the front door rang, both women looking over as Mathias limped in, a smile on his face as he waved at Althea. For weeks Killian had been making either Lucian or Mathias pick her up when he couldn't his overprotectiveness understandable.

"I think I just came," Dolly said as Althea covered her mouth to prevent from laughing too hard. "Who is that?"

"That's Killian's younger brother Mathias he is picking me up for work. Has he never come into the diner before?"

"If he, had I would've remembered, he is so cute." She whispered as Althea shrugged her shoulders, a smile on her face as she watched Dolly compose herself and stand from the booth. "Hi, what can I get ya cutie?"

"Uh—I uh—I'm here for Althea." Mathias stuttered, a smile going over his face as Althea watched him blush, her phone in her hands as she recorded a small video to show Killian. "Hi." Mathias finally said as she watched him lick his lips, Althea smirking as she could see there was a connection between them.

"Coffee is on me anytime you come in, cutie." Dolly winked as Mathias smiled nervously as Althea hugged Dolly tight before leaving the diner, her stomach in knots as the smell of the butcher shop next door hit her.

"Oh my god." She gasped as she doubled over and vomited all over the sidewalk, Dolly rushing out by her side as Althea felt sicker than she ever had before. "I think it's a stomach bug." She said as Mathias called Killian, Dolly rubbing her back as she felt embarrassed for getting sick in public.

"Killian is coming, he said he can take you to the doctor," Mathias said as he knelt in front of Althea, his hand grabbed his small handkerchief as he offered it to her.

"Thank you, I'm not sure what I ate, but I've felt a little off all week." She said as she wiped her mouth, Dolly yelling at the small crowd of people that had gathered, Althea trying not to laugh since her stomach was still in knots.

"What can I get you, sweetie?"

"Nothing Dolly, I am fine. I just need to lay down." She said as she heard a low rumble in the distance, a small hint of a smile on her lips as she knew it was Killian coming to get her. "I feel so dizzy," Althea whispered as her head started to spin, Dolly, asking if she was okay as Althea saw large black spots in her vision.

His Burning Desire //Devils Hitman MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now