Chapter 6

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  Before long, Robert and Ruth had reached his families favorite place to go. He helped her off the bike, told her to close her eyes, and he helped her take her helmet off while she had her eyes closed. He covered her eyes with his hand (after he took her helmet off) to make sure she wasn't peeking. He led her over to what was almost like a cliff but it was an overlook. He removed his hands from her eyes, leaned over to her ear, and whispered in her ear, "You can open your eyes now." She slowly opened her hazel eyes to reveal the entire zoo below her. She was 'Amazed' at the sight before her eyes. It was beautiful, not only was it beautiful, to her it was spectacular. She turned around and didn't realize how close Robert was until she turned around. When she turned around, she and Robert hit heads. They both stumbled back while grabbing their heads from the collision. They laughed, until Robert saw how close Ruth was to the edge of the overlook. "Ruth, be careful." he said while pulling her away from the edge. By this time, she had stopped laughing and saw that if Robert hadn't grabbed her then she could've fallen off the overlook and landed inside the tiger enclosure, which was right below the overlook. As she was looking down, she realized that Robert was holding her in an embrace. She looked up at him, grew a little embarrassed, looked down, and Stuttered out, "Thanks R-Robert, but I t-think you can l-let me go n-now." Robert looked at her and noticed a slight blush on her face.  He released her from his embrace and smiled at her embarrassed state. He decided to play a little joke on her to see if he could make her blush even more. He tilted her chin up, made her look into his eyes, leaned close to her ear, and whispered in a very low pitched voice, "You know what? You're cute when you blush like that." She blushed even more when he said that, Robert looked at her and smirked. She turned away and hid her face from him. He then told her he was just playing with her. She turned back around, gave him a look, she smirked, and her eyes told him that he was gonna be in for revenge. So Robert told her that they had better start heading back. When she heard that, she knew it was an opportunity to get her revenge for making her blush so much. He put his helmet on; climbed back onto the motorbike, turned on the bike, and waited for Ruth to climb on the back. Ruth put her helmet on; climbed on behind Robert, when she climbed on she snaked her arms around him. She watched as he started to get flustered. He looked down and watched her hands tighten around his stomach. He realized what she was doing, but he didn't care.

*Chapter 7 is in progress, but I will try to publish it as soon as I get it written out.  I hope you guys are enjoying this story.  I am thinking about writing a story about Boston Mikesell.  Let me know in the comments, if you guys would like me to write a story about a real life celebrity character or do DC characters, or Anime guys.  Let me know!  Thanks for Reading!

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