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The punch came out of nowhere and Taehyung had to steady himself quickly before blocking the next one on instinct. It was rude to stop his hyung but he wasn't ready to have his face rearranged just ahead of their Weverse shoot. Manager-nim would kill him if they were forced to cover up bruises right then.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi screamed but Taehyung stood his ground, while Namjoon tried in vain to hold him back.

Although he had a smaller physique, Yoongi could still hold his own against anyone and Namjoon wasn't ready to see that put to test on Taehyung even if he himself, was angry as well.

"You fucking assholes! You did what you wanted and now hyung is broken! How could you? We told you to stay away from him but your fucking horny asses couldn't keep away! If hyung is traumatized by this anymore, I swear to all that is holy Kim Taehyung, I will fucking rearrange your fucking face and your two minions as well!" Yoongi threatened, before straightening out his clothes and walking away, trailing a worried Hoseok behind him.

Namjoon turned to his dongsaengs and assessed them with a worried frown. As the leader, he had many responsibilities to all of them but mostly, he was their friend and hyung. He needed them to know that he was there for all of them in equal measures.

"How is Jin hyung?" Jimin asked, slowly. He looked down, clearly unable to meet Namjoon's eyes.

"He's not good Jimin-ah. He moved out of the dorm 5 days ago to his own apartment and is keeping to himself. He refuses to talk to us and Yoongi assumed you guys did something to him already."

Namjoon looked down after his little speech. He wanted to ask but he felt embarrassed for some reason. Eventually, after seeing the looks of complete loss, blank and empty expressions on their faces, he decided he had to do something, not only for his hyung but for his dongsaengs too.

He cleared his throat and gulped before asking the only thing that he could.

"D-did something happen already? I mean....... the bet...... Urm, did he honor it? Is that why he.... hyung is upset? Does he hate us now?"

Jungkook's head shot up at that. He looked like a lost puppy. Tears brimmed in his doe like eyes and Namjoon swore under his breath before going to him and enveloping him in his arms. He rubbed his back slowly while Jungkook whispered words of worry and concern for their hyung. Jimin looked away while Taehyung scoffed. Namjoon crinkled his eyes and pulled Jungkook away from him before rounding on Taehyung.

"What the fuck Taehyung? Do you not care for your hyung? Are you not worried that you hurt him?"

Taehyung scoffed and righted his clothes before looking their leader right in the eye.

"Jin hyung is not a baby. We did nothing to him that he didn't want. No one forced him. He could have stopped us at any point and we would have backed away. The fact that he's holed himself up away from us all, is just an act of cowardice. He can't face us or himself because he enjoyed what happened. I don't regret it for a minute and I know he doesn't either. When he actually accepts what happened and stops lying to himself, he knows where to find us."

And with that, Taehyung kicked at a piece of skirting that had come loose on a floorboard and made his way to the interview room. Jimin moved closer to Namjoon and spoke softly as he watched their leader raise an eyebrow in the direction that his soulmate had just went in.

"Please don't mind him Namjoonie hyung. He doesn't mean anything malicious by it. He's also worried about Jin hyung, probably more than us all, but you know how he is. He won't show us his weakness. And I'm really sorry about what happened with Jin hyung. You know us hyung; we wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the group. We really like Jin hyung, probably more than what he feels for us," Jimin concluded. He looked away and pulled Jungkook close to him as he was still tearing. "Come on you big bunny; let's go do this shitty interview so we can all go home and rest. Okay?"

Feather in your cap! (Jin x Maknae Line) [Completed] ✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu