"A-Alex." I couldn't even talk right.


Screw his seduction. "I-I c-can't."

He ran his nose from my shoulder to my jaw line and I let out a shaky breath. "Andrea."

I felt something sharp graze my neck. Something deep within me knew this wasn't good.

Clayton's P.O.V

"Say Colton."

"Butt face." Mia laughed once again.

Colton sat back and looked at her. "No. Col-ton."

"Butt face."

He glared at me from the other side of the car. "Dude your so wrong for that. Why did you tell her my name was butt face?"

I looked at him and smiled. "My bad. I thought that was your name."

He glared. "She only listens to you. Now fix it."

I looked at Mia who was sitting in the middle of me and Colton. "Mia?"

"Yes Kitten?"

"His name is Colton okay. Can you say that?"


"Can you say Cole?"


I looked at Colton. "I don't know. She can't pronounce the C."

"Whatever, it's better then the other name."

I laughed and looked out the window. Out of nowhere my chest began to turn hot and burn. I put my hand on it and coughed. The fuck? I cleared my throat. But it continued to get worse. I started coughing violently. I pointed at Colton to hold Mia. Mom was looking at me.

"Owwwwwe." I groaned.

Dad pulled over. "Clay."

The burning was hot now and burning. "Mom. Heeeeelp. "

I got out the car and took my shirt off and started rubbing my chest. Why was I burning from the inside out? Like a electric shock or like I was hit by lighting its ran through my body and I feel on the ground. I curled up and yelled. What was happening?

Mom was over my holding my head. "Clay, honey. Look at mommy."

I kept my eyes close. "No. It hurts."

"Is she serious!" I heard my dad yell.

"Levi. Now isn't the time." I heard my mom. She pushed my hair back. "Clayton. You have to open your eyes."

I was sweating by now. "Mom, please. Make it stop. It hurts."

She grabbed my hand and soon I was cold. Like really really cold. The burning was subsiding. Mom let go and continued to keep petting my hair. "Your okay Clayton. Your okay."

The only thing I could think of that could have happened was Andrea was hurt or something.

'Clayton.' my wolf said.


'Clayton, you know it's the other option. If she was hurt we would feel where she was hurt. Not like this.'

I shook my head and turned to my side. "I refuse to believe it."


I sat up and wrapped my arms around my mother and hugged her. "Mom. Tell me it's not true."

She breathed out and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay."

I'm a guy. Guys don't cry. I felt a tear run down my face. My mate. My only one I had. I wasn't like my mom. I didn't have two mates to run two. I only had one. One time. One chance. And I feel like my entire world has been ripped away from me.

I felt little hands on my side. I untied myself from my mom and looked down. Mia was looking at me. "Kitten? Are you okay?"

I nodded and wiped my face. "Kitten is fine Mia."

She climbed in my lap and looked at me. She took her small hand and wiped a tear off my face. "My kitten isn't suppose to cry. My kitten is strong." she smiled at me and wrapped her small arms around my neck. "It's okay kitten. I'm here."

I calmed down and smiled. I hugged her back. "I know Mia. I'm your Kitten."

It's weird how attached you get to a kid that isn't even yours. Or how a kid you just met is deeply attached to you and you don't know why. For some reason. Mia made me feel like I have to be strong for her. I could tell she started to bond with me. In other words a pup without parents will bond to the next best thing. The only way to do that is if the two love each other and will do anything for them. Before I could pull away to stop her it was already done. The bond was done. The only way to complete the whole thing was if they both said I love you. I couldn't do it. She had parents. I was watching her. Not taking her. She let go and looked at me. "Can I have my juice box now?"

I laughed. "Yeah. We can stop at the store and get you some." I felt her head and she had a small fever. "And some meds."

I stood up and picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder. "I love you kitten."

I held my breath. I couldn't say it. I can not, whatever I do. Do Not say I love you to this child. "I know you do Mia. I know you do."


People I shall call Clayton.......Daddy Clay. I don't know but I find that hilarious. But yeah. You know. I updated. I'm so proud of myself. Ha. But anyways. Here you go lovely people. And a quick thanks to those who always comment and vote thank you......and you know who you are lol.




Be a panda.

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