letter seven

898 92 11

Dear Kim Sunoo,

I think the saddest thing when you stopped talking to someone special to you, and then you shifted back to becoming strangers but with memories, that you still have all those left over information about them.

Like I still know your favorite song. I know your each family's name. I remember your favorite ice cream flavor and the weird dreams you told me about at school during break.

You told me about your dreams and hoping your future was me. I learned all those details about you, but now they're gone, along the person.

It's just sad to think about it sometimes.

This takes me back to where we started.

It was the first dance class and you were made to stand next to me in the room because the teacher knew, I'm weakest and slowest to learning any kind of steps.

But little did she know, she was the help for me to began talking to you each day. You never shut up about almost anything, our topis had gone from your favorite meals at the cafeteria to the adorable flirting and emotional ones at the peakest.

Then one autumn evening, we happened when you invited me to hang out at the White Day. I suggested to go to the park, knowing there'll be so many couples out there.

I think it should give you an idea.

The ground was covered with pretty leaves by the time we got there and it felt like were the only ones in the world as we watched each other, checking on who will say something first.

As we were walking side by side, almost near to the creek, you suddenly stopped and hold my hand, "I like you. You're more special than you think you are", and you kissed me.

It would've been magical if not for me tripping at your feet, but at least we got to laugh about every time we look back to it.

I am thinking about this when I was waiting at the bus stop, and I was shocked to see you walking up to me after stepping out from one of the perfume shops.

Even if you were hidden by a face mask and a bonnet, I know it's you. I have never been wrong especially in the way my heart races when it comes to you.

After we ended a year ago, you'd always want to avoid me, but today you were doing the opposite.

"Long time no see, Y/N", you greeted me with a smile.

I really wanted to hug you but I held myself back, then I decided to ignore you and that was the most painful thing ever to do.

You were continously trying to get my attention but I kept on ignoring while I was breaking inside. The memory of you leaving me that night was flashing back in the wrong time.

I wanted to give in. I really did. God knows how much I wanted to you ask to take me back, but my poor heart had suffered enough.

And yet it was still screaming for your name, Sunoo, I really loved you that much.

Finally, the bus came and I got up, and was about to walk away when you held my wrist. Your touch always brings a shiver down my spine.

Even then, it still did. So I stopped and turned around to face you. By now, the driver was looking at the both of us before he decided to drive away.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?", you asked, and at that second, I blamed myself for the pain in your voice.

"You don't have the right to ask me that question, not after everything you did to me. Just please quit playing with my heart, Sunoo", and with that, I snatched my hand away and started to cross the road.

"You miss me, I know", you shouted at me out of desperation.

I halted in my tracks once I reached the other side of the road. You don't know how right you were but I didn't let it show on my face.

I have to be careful. I have to do this for you and me.

So instead, I smiled through the pain, and I knew you could still see through it.

"I'm sorry", I said to you today.

Instantly, a look of hurt and pain crossed your face. It made me doubt everything that I assumed in our break up.

Did you still care? Was the break up is just an order from your company?

If that's the thing, then why did you never tell me? I would've understand.

I would've waited for when the time we were finally able to become real and expose to your fans.

Either way, as we stood there, in both different sides of the road with the vehicles passing us in between and soon, you're getting recognized by the people climbing out of the bus, forcing you to finally leave with no thoice.

I knew then, there's already a thousand miles between us.

And sometimes, we gotta accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.

Just like you and I.


Dear Kim Sunoo ⚊ Letter Series #2Where stories live. Discover now