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"I think we should disband the Revengers." 

"I'm going down there." Amelia informed the two in the ship before jumping down, landing on her feet next to Heimdall "Hi there." she greeted the man and the people behind here.

"Agent Artemis, good to see you." Heimdall smiled back, Amelia grinned, letting her powers flow through her veins. Amelia's focus was mainly on the gigantic creature, while the others fought the "zombie Soldiers" as Amelia put it. Blow after blow the creature wouldn't back down but only moved towards them.

To say she was intimidated by the wolf would be an understatement, she had to swallow her nerves to fight the wolf, she was afraid of the razor sharp teeth, the black fur coating of it making it look even more deathly and probably the size too.

"oh my god." Amelia gasped when she saw Bruce falling on his face to the ground, before she could go and aid him and try to kill the wolf, it was pulled back "oh my god." Amelia repeated this time more amused as she watched the hulk take on the wolf.

Amelia was losing her strength, the soldiers never seemed to stop, and she fell to the floor, sending a weak blast, next to Heimdall who was in the same position as her. The woman groaned, trying to get her feet back to the ground to kill the incoming soldier. She closed her eyes, defeated waiting for the impact which never came.

"Hey man, I am Korg, this is Miek we're going to jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Want to come?" the people including Amelia looked at the ship, the starship would be able to accommodate the people and get them out safely.

"Your savior is here!" Amelia snapped her head towards the familiar voice, letting out a breath of relief and a laughter of the same

"Did you miss me? Everybody on that ship, now." Amelia smirked when Loki stood beside her and Heimdall.

"Welcome home. I saw you coming."

"Of course you did." He turned to look at Amelia, in the midst of the swarm of people, her heart fluttering in her chest and beating out of her ribcage at the sight of the god.

"Did you really think I would just leave you my love?"

"Well..." Amelia jokingly pulled her words earning a playful shove from the God "I knew you'd come, just had like 5 minutes of doubt." the conversation was interrupted by the loud rumbling, which Amelia knew was caused by Thor the two looked at the sky in awe before snapping back to reality.

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