Safe house and Unsafe Minds

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"oh sorry my captain I meant peachy as frick frack."

Amelia could feel the golden doors under her touch.  she pushed the large doors open, which was easier than she anticipated, everything stopped at the sound giving away her entrance, She smiled widely adjusting the tiara which sat on her head, holding up her baby blue gown as she made her way down the stairs, walking through the crowd, nodding and acknowledging the people who bowed to her. She was now face to face with the prince, The prince of Asgard: Loki Odinson. He wore his godly suit, giving her a smirk and his hand which she took in her own, giggling as he pulled her into his embrace. "You look beautiful my love." he complimented softly into her ear making her blush at his hoarse voice.

The God and The Avenger swayed in complete and pure bliss, everyone around them were ignored, it was just them. Amelia and Loki, her arms around his neck, his own around her waist as they swayed around to the melancholy beat in the middle of the Asgardian Ballroom.

Amelia's face was buried in the crook of his neck, he wasn't gone, he was here, with her, happy. "Lia..." he whispered, moving his hand to hold her face, she hummed lifting her eyes to meet his emerald ones. "Why did you let me go?" Amelia gasped, scurrying away from his embrace when blood leaked out of his lips, his face paling and his abdomen soaked in his blood.

"Loki! No no no no." it was happening again, all over again she had to watch the silver tongue die in her arms. She grasped his hand, trying to take his pain away. Amelia let out a yelp when his hand clutched her own tightly, wheezing he spoke:

"why didn't you save me....? you could've been faster." this time she wasn't burying her face in his chest, Thor wasn't beside her, it was just them, on the dark land, she couldn't move, all she could do was watch him die, his skin turning a pale blue. "I trusted you." he croaked out making her sob harder at the sight before him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." she kept repeating herself even though he was long gone. It was her fault, she knew he was going to die but she decided to not acknowledge it. She could've been faster. She should've been faster. It was all her fault.

She gasped back to realty, she felt Steve's hand on her shoulder, but she couldn't focus on anything, everything around her was a white noise, everything that happened on Svartalfheim playing on repeat, her hands were stained with his blood and it was her fault."I'm sorry."

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