Chapter 15 (revised 06/09/2023)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I feel I can do that."

Zeph continued, "With you being sequestered here, it will mean no outside contact." He then looked at the beta guards, "and if you stay here, it will also mean no outside contacts. Those papers will arrive within the" he glances down at his watch, "half an hour. If I were you, I would let the alphas know. They can decide if they want you here or not."

Beta Samson asks, "but why are we here? Why are the alphas yelling?"

Jocelyn replied, "This mama is taking control of her life. I am forcing the werewolves through the supernatural council to change the laws. No other she-wolf will ever go through what I have gone through. You heard the saying; I am as mad as hell, and me ain't going to take it no more. I am going to control my and my pup's destiny. No alpha will influence what I do with my pups and try to steal their inheritance. "

Zane grins, "I wonder if he destroyed his office for the umpteenth time now." I look at him and laugh. I then try to stifle a yawn.

Georgette says, "your acting tired. Get her settled in bed. I will make you some herbal tea. She is still supposed to be on bed rest."

Zane scoops me up bridal style and carries me to my bed with the fairies following me. Then he laid me down. The girls picked up my computer and schoolwork, which I never touched today. I looked at them, "Please let me take a bath and then drink my tea before going to bed."

With them showing Zane out, they assisted me in my bath. I fell asleep afterward.


The following day, I woke up and did my schoolwork. Then I went to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw all the girls in the kitchen preparing food. Zane held up an envelope, "this arrived. It is from Lycan court."

I grabbed it and tore it open. I read it and started trembling. Zane grabbed the paper and read it. "You were told they would want you to identify the wolves by scent."

"I know, but I wasn't expecting to be there today at 11:00 am."

"After we eat, we better get dressed. Wear a dress with a jacket," Samson added.

I went to my room dressed in a black and grey plaid tunic dress, grey blouse, and black blazer jacket and then added black one-inch heels. I brushed my hair and did a French braid. I added a little mascara, grey eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Then I grabbed my black purse and phone. I walked downstairs. The guys were both wearing black suits. Quinn and Gwen were wearing grey pantsuits with a white blouse.

We left the house, and Councilman Zephyr was standing in the drive by a limousine. "Good luck. My driver knows where you need to be." He handed me a card, "This card has my number, the driver's number, and your lawyer's number on it. She will be meeting you there. They will try to separate you, but you have the right to have one guard with you in the room at all times. Then demand the others stand outside the door at all other times."

"Why will I be in danger?"

"No, but it shows you're tough, and you're not going to take crap. Let your betas do their jobs. They know how to intimidate. I am sending Tianna in my place because she also knows how to intimidate. Let them do their intimidation job. You won't be afraid to look them in the eye when they ask questions.  Only answer if your lawyer says to. If your lawyer is not with you, just state, I will wait until my lawyer is with me to discuss this with her. They like to pull stunts like sending people intentionally to different rooms." We all nod our heads and close the door. Then we are on our way.

We drive for about twenty minutes and turn down a drive into the woods. We are on this road for about ten minutes. Then we came to a large gate. A huge man steps from the entrance, "Name and state your business."

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