Chapter 15: End Of First Year

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It had been a couple of days since the little adventure the Quartet had gone on. And Harry was still in the Hospital Wing. Today he would getting released.

Y/N, Hermione and Ron stood on a stairwell balcony, talking. They stopped when they saw Harry and leaned over the railing.

"Alright there, Ron?" Harry asked. "Alright, you?" Ron asked, and Harry shrugged. "Alright. Hermione?" Harry asked. "Never better," Hermione answered. "And Y/N?" Harry asked. "Just dandy," Y/N said.

The end of the year feast has about to go underway in the Great Hall. All students are seated, and green banners with the Slytherin crest are hung from the ceiling.

McGonagall dinged her goblet and the chatter died down. Dumbledore arose from his seat. "Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the House Cup- needs awarding, and the points stand thus," Dumbledore announced.

"In fourth place, Gryffindor with tow hundred and fifty two points," Dumbledore said. Slow and disappointed clapping rang through the Great Hall.

"Third place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty two points," Dumbledore said, and the Great Hall clapped.

"In second place, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty six points," Dumbledore said. A louder applause was heard.

"And in first place, with four hundred and seventy two points, Slytherin House," Dumbledore announced, and only Snape and Slytherin table clapped.

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award. To Ms. Hermione Granger, for use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, fifty points," Dumbledore announced, and a loud applause rang through the Great Hall. And Hermione hid herself in Y/N's arms.

"Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess, that Hogwarts has seen these many years...fifty points," Dumbledore awarded.

"Third to Mr. Y/N L/N, for incredible endurance, when worried for his friend's health, fifty points," Dumbledore awarded. Hermione hugged Y/N tight while the Great Hall cheered.

"And fourth, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor House sixty points," Dumbledore awarded and immense cheering was heard.

"Were tied with Slytherin!" Hermione pointed out.  "And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points to Neville Longbottom," Dumbledore announced.

Ear-splitting cheering erupted in the Great Hall, and Neville is dumbfounded as the cheering only got louder. "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of direction is in order," Dumbledore said. Dumbledore clapped once and the green and silver Slytherin banners changed, into red and yellow Gryffindor banners. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" Dumbledore cheered.

Students were at the Train station, boarding the Hogwarts Express. "C'mon o now, hurry up. You'll be late. Trains leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up," Hagrid ordered.

Y/N handed O/N to the train man, and walked to an open door of the train with Harry and Hermione. Hermione and Y/N waved to Hagrid, who waved back. Hermione and Y/N boarded the train.

"Come on, Harry," Hermione said. "One minute," Harry said, and walked over to Hagrid. The two chatted and Hagrid handed Harry something.

Harry returned to the other three. "What did Hagrid give you?" Y/N asked. "This," Harry responded, presenting a red photo album with a moving picture of baby Harry and his parents. "Pretty cool," Y/N said.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione asked. "I'm not going home. Not really," Harry said. The Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station and drove away.

The Quartet found a empty carriage and chatted until they'd arrived at Platform 9 3/4. They exited the train and hopped onto the aisle.

"All of you respond to letters, alright?" Hermione said. "I will at least," Y/N said. "There's my family over there. Bye guys!" Ron said. "Bye, Ron!" They others said. Soon Harry left and it was just Hermione and Y/N.

"Write me, won't you?" Hermione said. "Of course, everyday," Y/N answered. "Great," Hermione said, giving him a big hug. "Goodbye, Hermione," Y/N said during the hug. "Goodbye, Y/N," Hermione replied, releasing Y/N and running of to her parents.

Eventually Y/N spotted his parents and S/N and ran over. "Hey everyone," Y/N said. ,"Y/N, there you are," D/N said, giving his son a hug. "Have a good first year at Hogwarts?" M/N asked. "It was very adventurous. And S/N, I just realised we didn't talk at all, this year," Y/N said. "Yeah, what was that all about?" S/N asked. "I was a bit carried away with other things," Y/N said. "Whatever," S/N said.

The End

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