Chapter 14: The Obstacles

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Y/N fell for a moment before he collided with a large plant. He opened his eyes and Hermione, Harry and Ron had been caught up in the vines.

"Y/N! Thank goodness. What took you so long?" Hermione asked. "I had to play the harp to put Fluffy back to sleep. Do you know how to get out of this?" Y/N asked. "Yes. Stop moving, all of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster," Hermione informed.

"Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax!" Ron whined. "Well, Ron, it's either relax or die. Your choice," Y/N said. Y/N and Hermione sunk through and landed on some stone floor. "Y/N! Hermione!" Ron and Harry yelled. "Just relax!" Hermione called. "Yeah. Are you even listening? How many times do we have to tell you?!" Y/N called.

"Where are you?!" Harry asked. "Do what we say. Trust us," Hermione said. Harry relaxed and he too, is sucked through. "Ahh! Harry!" Ron screamed. "Harry!" Ron cried. "You alright mate?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Harry said. "Help!" Ron shouted.

"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione said. "Apparently not," Harry said. "He really is a pain sometimes," Y/N said. "Help! Help me!" Ron cried.

"We've got do to do something!" Hermione said. "What?" Harry asked. "Oh, Hermione, what was that one rhyme Ms. Sprout told us in Herbology?" Y/N asked. "Um, Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun...but will sulk! Devil's Snare hates sunlight!" Hermione recollected.

"I'll do the honours," Y/N said. Y/N equipped his wand and pointed it at the Devil's Snare. "Lumus Solem!" Y/N incantated. A great big beam of light erupted for Y/N's wand. The light touched the Devil's Snare and the vines disappeared.

"Ahhh!" Ron screamed as he fell. "Ron, are you okay?" Harry asked. "Yeah," Ron answered. "Okay," Harry said. "Whew. Lucky we didn't panic!" Ron said. "Lucky Hermione and Y/N and Hermione pay attention in Herbology," Harry corrected.

The sound of many flapping wings rang out. "What is that?" Hermione wondered. "I don't know. Sounds like wings," Harry said. "Specify that's it not chicken wings because, Ron might run ahead," Y/N joked. "Shut up," Ron whined.

They entered a room with numerous golden birds. "Curious. I've never seen birds like these," Hermione said. "They look like keys with wings," Y/N pointed out. "Y/N's right, they're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door," Harry said.

A broomstick stood suspended in the air. "What's this all about?" Hermione asked. "I don't know. Strange," Harry said. Ron crept over to the door with his wand. "Alohomora," Ron casted. Ron pulled on the door but, to no avail. "Well, it was worth a try," Ron said.

"Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!" Hermione complained. "The key probably resembles the keyhole and the handle. Ron, have a look at door," Y/N said. "We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle," Ron described.

"There I see it!" Harry pointed. "The one with the broken wing!" Harry said. Harry looked at the broom. "Fly up there and get the key , Harry. You can do it," Y/N said. "What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asked. "It's too simple," Harry said. "Oh, go on Harry! If Snape-" Ron began. "Or Quirrell," Y/N corrected. "Or Quirrell, can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest Seeker in a century!" Ron encouraged.

Harry nodded and grabbed the broom. All the keys suddenly went in one direction, right at Harry. Harry climbed on the broomstick, swiping at the keys.

"This complicates things a bit!" Ron said. "It complicates things a lot more than a bit," Y/N said. Harry pushed off into the air. He flew off, after the damaged key. The others followed precistintly. Harry reached the key and clasped his hand roughly around it.

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